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Un-Authorized Recipes of Doomed Moviethon zine

Un-Authorized Recipes of Doomed Moviethon zine published on No Comments on Un-Authorized Recipes of Doomed Moviethon zine

This past year has felt frustratingly un-productive, but I did finish a thing. Though I have been dragging my feet on taking pictures and getting it listed in my Etsy shop, I am happy to say that I completed the ‘Un-Authorized Recipes of Doomed Moviethon’ zine!

So, if you ever wanted to follow along with Richard Schmidt’s excellent book, eating and drinking what he did (because I fed him), then here are the recipes you need to recreate those insane moments. I also slipped in some movie inspired comic strips.

Pineapple for softer hands

Pineapple for softer hands published on No Comments on Pineapple for softer hands

Would it surprise you to learn that I am also amassing material to make a zine about pineapples? No, well, you know me so well.

Mother Shipton comic

Mother Shipton comic published on No Comments on Mother Shipton comic

I drew a comic about Ursula Southeil, aka Mother Shipton, for my contribution to the Four Corners Halloween zine. Aren’t you lucky, you get to see it here!

Four Corners

The Four Corners Halloween zine is still available for purchase in both print and digital edition. In addition to my comic it has recipes, costumes, crafting, tarot, crystals and more.

Four Corners Halloween Zine

Four Corners Halloween Zine published on No Comments on Four Corners Halloween Zine

The zines are in! I posted a little bit ago about getting to work on a zine project with some amazing ladies. Well the zines are in from the print shop and live in the store. The pre-order sale may be over, but you can get your copy faster than ever.

Buy Your Copy!

Four Corners Halloween zine

Four Corners Halloween zine published on No Comments on Four Corners Halloween zine

Hey ya’ll! I got to work on a collaborative zine with some lovely ladies. Check it out!

Now available for pre-order: The Four Corners Halloween zine features insights, articles, recipes, and how-tos on all aspects of magical living to help you celebrate the season.  Four Corners is a 7x 10.5 in., 24 page full color zine.

All pre-orders are the sale price of $7, shipping included, and will be sent out at the beginning of October. Secure your copy now, on sale, before rates go up!

Pre-order now!

Four Corners can also be purchased as a digital edition. If you are proudly paperless, you can get your digital print today!



  1. Death:  The Great Equalizer and Bringer of Transformation (Tarot feature)
  2. Witch Goddess Nicnevin
  3. Creating an Altar
  4. Top 10 Movies and Music to get you in the mood
  5. Magick Scent
  6. Art of the Costume
  7. Power Stones and Crystals
  8. Connecting with Spirits
  9. Soul Cakes Recipe
  10. Sandworm Necklace Craft
  11. Witches from History:  Mother Shipton (comic)

Monster girl’s school zine preview

Monster girl’s school zine preview published on No Comments on Monster girl’s school zine preview

I am working on a zine, have been for a while now.  You’d think that it would be a simple and fast thing to accomplish.  Well here is a zoom in preview.  The finished product will be a yearbook from the Wyvern Academy for Monster Girls, complete with club activities, school song, pictures of the girls, the grounds and all.

Finally Famous

Finally Famous published on No Comments on Finally Famous

I have a confession to make:  I went to college, I wrote poetry, I smoked clove cigarettes, worked in a music store, fancied myself a photographer, and took intro to psychology. All of the cliched college girl watchamacallit, I did it all, Losers!  I mean, sorry, I don’t think you’re losers…I just got carried away.  What was I saying?  Oh, yeah…and I found proof, so in the spirit of digital preservation, I scanned Finally Famous, in a way not befitting any real archive, so I could share it with you.

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