Introducing Clement Skitt’s word of the day. You may recognize Clement from Levi Levi and the Time Machine. He and his sister have since peeped into many different times and Clement has developed a healthy fascination with outdated slang. Today’s slang:
Random character coloring
Dictionary tidbits
There’s something about Clement Skitt that you probably don’t know because he hasn’t shown evidence of it yet: he is obsessed with slang. And, since he time travels wherever he wants, he’s picked up some pretty obscure and outdated vocabulary. Writing a character like this means I’ve returned to one of my favorite childhood pastimes of reading dictionaries. It’s amazing to find slang from the 1800s that is common usage today and also to see how it evolves over time. For instance, in 1811 England ‘games’ were “thin, ill-shaped legs: a corruption of the French word jambes” (Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue) by the 1920’s, ‘gams’ were simply ‘women’s legs.’
Another thing you might get from reading the dictionary is historical tidbits. Like this from the 1891 American Slang Dictionary by James Maitland:
Silly me, I knew the Mormons had faced opposition in a few of the states they attempted to set up shop, but I didn’t know about the killing. In addition to above, the Danites, were not approved of by Joseph Smith, Mormon founder, but may have evolved from the militia he created known as the “Armies of Israel.” They were most active during the Missouri Mormon War of 1838. Seems they had a war in just about every state they tried to settle: See the Utah War and the ‘lesser known’ Illinois Mormon War. Though the Danites are thought to have ended after the Missouri Mormon War.
Time Traveling
I am getting into the frame to finally give my time travelers, Clement and Rosalie Skitt, their own comic. And then I saw, in my RSS feed, a picture from the amazingly inventive and fantastic Miguel Marquez’s Outside.

What could I do but scour the internet for more evidence of time traveling. My first stop, was my favorite convenience store, the Echo Park Travel Mart. After which I spent some time reading up on all the Evidence that Time Travel Is Happening All Around You (on i09). Which led me to The Mystery of John Titor-the realest time traveler the web has known yet. Go and read, ’cause it’s fascinating!
Sock Dreams
Years ago, when I wore clogs and Birkenstocks under my slightly too long jeans, I loved socks. I had them all, fuzzy, toe-socks, rainbow, argyle and chunky knits. Then I changed my whole style; started wearing skirts instead of pants, and suddenly, my sock collection didn’t quite work. I needed knee socks, or over the knee socks, or tights or fancy secret lingerie for my feet. And I wasn’t going to find them.
I got lucky a couple of times in the sock section of mainstream retail stores, but soon, I couldn’t find anything that would cover my fat calves. Partly because I’m a big girl and partly because I really enjoyed the calf rosie machine at my highschool, my calves are about 18.5 inches round the middle. No store around here was going to help me rekindle my sock love and buying online was too risky, what with not being able to do any type of stretch test. Enter Sock Dreams – Unique Comfy Colorful Sexy Socks.
I found Sock Dreams while searching for tights. I figured there had to be a pair of tights out there that were more like footed leggings than sausage casings. I mean, that’s what hosiery feels like to me when hopping into it in the morning: sausage casings. My search lead me to Sock Dreams where I not only found the closest thing to footed leggings I could imagine (Signature Cotton Tights by Foot Traffic), but also knee highs and over the knees that could accommodate my fat calves.
But selection isn’t what makes Sock Dreams so amazing. Almost every pair of socks, stockings and tights on Sock Dreams has a descriptive blurb about how well the socks fit on a variety of models, how much they stretch and whether they stay up or no. Sock Dreams does the stretch test for you! My first shopping trip was like wandering through wonderland, and my first delivery was fast, fitting, and perfect. If you love socks, if you’ve never found the right sock, if you are skinny or curvy, Sock Dreams will have something you will love. That is all.
One early morning, after it had been raining quite a bit, we drove by a puddle and two stocky little birds flew out of it. It happened so fast, but I was sure they were owls.
Months later, early in the morning, we were stopped by a dopy looking little Eastern Screech Owl, sitting motionless on the road and blinking blearily at the headlights. He flew away eventually.
I know there are owls in Florida; I’ve listened to them at night. But they are an unseen thing. This is not the case in my new neighborhood.
Penelope Sea – a little older
While Penelope Sea’s look was originally inspired by a toe-headed portrait of me that my mother had hanging on the wall, it looks as though she’s growing into my niece.
I accidentally draw a lot of mermaids. It’s a way to vary the constant repetition of human faces. I think I should start forcing myself to draw more animals.
Anyway, after the jump because NSFW for boobs.
ISIS Attacks Nimrud, a Major Archaeological Site in Iraq –
ISIS Attacks Nimrud, a Major Archaeological Site in Iraq –
I had read bits about the destruction of artifacts, but this really got to me. I studied Nimrud in both art history and ancient history courses. It’s nothing like having seen it, I know, but now that’s not even a possibility.
Color my house
Painting the exterior of the house is on our five year plan, along with getting a driveway (it’s true, we have none at all). I have a habit verbally and gesturally describing my vision in a way that no one I know seems to understand, so I’ve taken to making mock-ups.
Eventually that green lawn-ish weed patch to the left of the side walk will be completely filled with mounds of flowering ground cover and low bushes. That’ll help cover up the vent pipe too.
I love green. I’ve already painted my front screen door green, and there were some awesome green colors in 1950s exterior paint ads, but there are two other houses on the street (one directly across) that have taken advantage of green. I suppose I’ll have to be content to have green walls on the inside of the house instead of the outside.
Writing assistance
I am planning a writing holiday; a week long stay-cation dedicated to getting some writing done. This spring has felt exceptionally devoid of holidays and vacations and I have at least three stories that I’ve started and not finished. I also have a lovely library slash dining room/office that makes working on the computer very enjoyable, indeed.
To get in the right frame of mind I am considering some software specifically developed for writers. The first, Qiqqa is a free resource for PDF and research management. It might be more suited to my academic writing persona – with PDF management, highlighting and reference lists.
Sigil can help turn what I have into an ebook layout (also something I was thinking of). There are a few other recommended programs on Techradar that look interesting. Then there is Scrivener, which is $40 after free trial, and offers a complete writing studio. I first heard about this on a author’s blog who was describing the detriments of Word. I am intrigued by the bulletin board function. The notebook, looks a lot like how Evernote is laid out and functions. I make heavy use of Evernote already.
If you are big into concept mapping or brainstorming, like I am, then you might want to start with free mind or The host of Scrivener, Literature & Latte, also has a list of other resources divided up by OS. If I pick something, I will let you know.
Happy New Year
Lunar, that is. A little late, but, technically, I do have the whole year.
Out on the hill
the lights flash and there are no shadows…
or, there are no shadows because I forgot to put them there…
or whatever.