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Levi Levi is at a conference, he’ll return your messages when he gets back

Levi Levi is at a conference, he’ll return your messages when he gets back published on 2 Comments on Levi Levi is at a conference, he’ll return your messages when he gets back

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And lest you think all those conference sessions were just ‘Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,’ and ‘because detective-story-nerds:’

Key Note:  “The Evolution and Unending Applicability of Private Investigation”
Key Note Speakers:  Aleister Bean and Sean McCallister from the Aleister McCallister Detective Agency and stars of the new movie A Million Ways to Kill Your Lover, opening Thursday and followed by a pre-conference cocktail hour.
*Social Night on Friday sponsored by Blue Moon Detective Agency and Hart Industries

Jessica Fletcher -“How to Survive Becoming the Victim in Your Investigation”
Not all investigations can be conducted without coming under the scrutiny of the very person you are investigating.  This scrutiny, obvious or not, can interfere with your investigation and create a danger to you.  In this session, learn methods of assessing your position in your own investigation and minimizing personal risk without giving up your footing on a case.

D.C.I. Barnaby -“How to Solve the Case with Critical Thinking and Delegation”
Learn how to apply efficiency of action to your detective work and maximize the use of all resources and staff in order to minimize personal stresses and reach a timely conclusion.

Harry Dresden -“Using Unconventional Methods While Working with Diverse Cultures and Interests”
Learn how to adopt new and unconventional methods to succeed when dealing with challenging and unconventional clients and partners.  How flexibility and continued professional development will save your skin in a scrape.

Hetty Wainthropp -“Retirement, Family, and Business:  balancing the demands of the female investigator”
Private investigating as a woman comes with unique obstacles and challenges.  Examine what the cases of successful female investigators, like Phryne Fisher, Ms. Marple and Sally Lockheart, can teach us about managing life’s pressures while solving our cases.

Jonathan Quayle Higgins III -“Managing the Private Investigator in Exotic Locales”
Private investigators must be self sufficient, self starters.  The nature of the work eschews reliable communication and location. Yet they must be managed like any other employee, are prone to the same amounts of distraction, and subject to increased levels of danger specific to the environment and culture.  Learn tips on managing investigators with focus on exotic locations.

J. Constantine -“Dangerous Partnerships for Ultimate Ends”
Cultivating and tending relationships with dangerous people in order to build a network that will help you out of any jam.

Continue reading Levi Levi is at a conference, he’ll return your messages when he gets back


Roses published on 2 Comments on Roses

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My very excellent aunt gifted me with an angelface rose when we moved into our first house.  Angelface was my mother’s favorite rose, and thankfully it is also pretty hardy (though I have killed one in the past).  I planted it outside the front door next to the wild rose I found growing underneath the weeds.  It has since tripled in size and seems really happy.

um, teddies in the air

um, teddies in the air published on No Comments on um, teddies in the air


Beautiful used goods

Beautiful used goods published on 1 Comment on Beautiful used goods

I was window shopping on ebay for beautiful, house appropriate goodies. I don’t have room or purpose for these, but aren’t they just darling?!

deskfan table

Giallo Meltdown

Giallo Meltdown published on No Comments on Giallo Meltdown


Richard and I are racing.  His book:  Giallo Meltdown:  A Moviethon Diary is now available for sale on Amazon.  I drew that cover ya’ll!

If you haven’t wandered over to and tasted his literary stylings then, do! do!  Richard’s writing is engaging and witty.  It will pull you in, make you giggle, and embarrass you at the bus stop where people will gawk at you both for reading (who does that anymore) and for openly enjoying yourself in public.  I say this because it’s true, not because I’m biased in any way.

Baba Yaga and her izbushka

Baba Yaga and her izbushka published on 2 Comments on Baba Yaga and her izbushka


It’s no surprise that I am enamored of the witch.  I have drawn her in all her incarnations, back to her most powerful mothers.  I have studied her, gorging myself on sociological studies of the ‘child stealers,’ and the female trinity.  Yet, I haven’t written much about her, so here is my first look at the witch.  As much as the internet is great, it is also not always the best place to get substantive information on ancient things.  There are plenty of sites regurgitating the same information and descriptions of Baba Yaga (Wikipedia) with reference to the folktales that originally sketched her visage and character.  I needed to be sure; I looked for those folktales, the most famous of which is Russian Fairy Tales from the Pantheon Fairy Tale and Folklore Library, by Aleksandr Afanasev, translated by Norbert Guterman and illustrated b Alexander Alexeieff.  It just happened to live on the shelf of my personally library, a relic of my childhood (I spilled milk on it when I was six or so).

Baba Yaga the boney legged, or, in one story, the golden legged, is one of three sisters.   She has three daughters, sometimes beautiful and sometimes deformed.  She has claws and a nose that hits the ceiling of her ‘little hut’ where she often lies stretched from corner to corner.  She is sometimes helpful to youth on a quest, mostly devious towards young women, and often devising ways to eat her visitors.  She sharpens or ‘whets’ her teeth for these chow downs and can gnaw through whole forests.  Her ambiguous intentions to people make her stand out in folklore where characters are usually only evil or only good (Johns, 1998).

Baba Yaga has servants; sometimes these are youth who take on temporary servitude in order to get something from her, and sometimes these are maids who have been given to her for some other favor.  She commands oxen, eagles, and magical mares.  And her primary, if not only, mode of transportation is folded up in a mortar which she goads along though the sky with a pestle and sweeps her tracks away with a broom.  I have not yet figured out how she could fly in such a thing and still need to sweep her tracks away, though these tools also allude to other, older, things like the potions ancient wise women mixed up, winter winds, and a the sweeping of the oven after eating (Cooper, 1997).  Like many evil spirits, Baba Yaga is driven to count things and cannot cross a river or other running water.

Continue reading Baba Yaga and her izbushka


Merman published on No Comments on Merman


Professional Publication

Professional Publication published on No Comments on Professional Publication

Are you hankering for a good read on the resource sharing trends in Latin American libraries?  Well, look no further; I just got one such article published and I’m giving you (at least the first 50 of you) a free copy:

Schmidt, LeEtta M. (2015) Interlibrary Lending in Mexican, Caribbean, Central American, and South American Libraries.  Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve.  published online first May 21, 2015.

Penelope Sea in print

Penelope Sea in print published on No Comments on Penelope Sea in print


Two format options of Penelope Sea and Ocean End available on Amazon.  Buy the print and get the Kindle edition free!

▶ The Andrews Sisters – Rancho Pillow (1941) – YouTube

▶ The Andrews Sisters – Rancho Pillow (1941) – YouTube published on No Comments on ▶ The Andrews Sisters – Rancho Pillow (1941) – YouTube

Penelope Sea and Ocean End

Penelope Sea and Ocean End published on No Comments on Penelope Sea and Ocean End


It’s all true.  Penelope Sea and Ocean End will be sold through Amazon, published by me.  The Kindle edition is out now!  A print edition is on its way.  Once it is out, if you buy the print edition you can get the Kindle edition for free. You have so many options!

Etsy awesomes

Etsy awesomes published on No Comments on Etsy awesomes


Olivia M of Paradox Now Creations initiated a zine trade with me; my first ever!  I am so glad she did, and that a few days later  Dark Light, Ailenn and Mark, and In Veritas Lost were waiting in my mailbox.

I just finished reading In Veritas Lost.  I am really impressed in how Olivia developed the idea of being lost in truth.  The prose is mostly stream of consciousness, but maintains the tension of the story by routinely returning to comment on the action and environment.  Olivia says that she originally sought to write a “post-apocalyptic dystopian Great Gatsby with lesbians” and that it developed its own direction.  Elements of the original idea abound and are very well handled.  It is post-apocalyptic dystopian without falling prey to the more typical depictions of such a world.  It is also highly descriptive and poetic without falling prey to a confusing mass of floral adjectives.

Your book shelves could use this story, so you should check out Olivia’s shop via the links above.


Doodling published on No Comments on Doodling


Something a little different

Something a little different published on No Comments on Something a little different

Because every now and then you need rainbow farting ponies.


Proof of pineapple

Proof of pineapple published on 1 Comment on Proof of pineapple


I finally have definitive proof the humongous spiky plants we moved in the back yard are actually pineapples!

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