Gatorland Zoo alligator statue, Route 1, St. Augustine, Florida Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540
Orange bird sign, Artesia Gardens Citrus Stand, Route A1A, Hammock, Florida Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540
The interwebs makes it easy to believe that there is a general interconnectedness of all things. So, when I adopted the handy term NOS from RetroRenovation for some of my ebay searches, of course I thought it was a term that lots of people know. In case it is not, let me clarify. I am not searching for Nitrous Oxide Systems, National Occupational Standards, or promotional material from the Nederlandse Omroep Stichting. I am looking for New Old Stock.
For a mid century house like mine, finding a seller with a stash of house accessories obtained by a closed down factory store is gold! NOS is the best way to obtain those temporary, delicate, things like plastic light switch covers, garishly patterned drawer liners, and plastic ruffled shelf tape. Oh, there are plenty of NOS listings for bathroom tile and drawer pulls – things that could survive being used and reused. But there is magic in those things meant to be used up and thrown away.
First off, even if hair tape is still a thing, it is a thing I never imagined existed. I love that it was produced by 3M. 3M is all over the place at my library.
Unused note cards might be the best thing ever!
And these would be the icing on a retro-styling tea party!
Over a year ago, now, something was killing things in our back yard. Two Muscovy ducks, a turtle, and a blue jay were left to spread their putrefying gasses over the garden. In an effort to catch the killer, we got a trail camera and mounted ’round the pillar of an old, broken, bird bath. As far as we know, the killer has not returned. We have had no more back yard deaths, and we have never caught whateveritis on camera. We know there are foxes in the area, and our back yard is not secured from wandering dogs… In the meantime, I get very much enjoyment seeing what the camera does manage to photograph. Night shots are informative, but not necessarily clear photography. Here are some birds.