On the road with this one. No time to sit quietly. No black pen.
Nothing Can Possibly Go Wrong
I’ve talked about Faith Erin Hicks before when I raved over her comic Friends with Boys. She’s got a new one online now as a collaboration with Prudence Shen, author of Nothing Can Possibly Go Wrong. You can read the webcomic as it airs by going to Page 001 | Nothing Can Possibly Go Wrong.
I am crazy excited about this. And, and, and,
Oh yeah! Look at those mess-ups will ya!
dogs and lawnmowers
Another night I was at a loss for what to draw (but feeling compelled to draw something). This time I was on the phone to my dad who suggested dogs and lawn mowers – with heavy references to his own dogs. His doberman does not have a tail. Don’t know what I was thinking.
I was having some trouble thinking of what I was going to draw for inktober. I mean, a theme isn’t required, but it’s nice, right? I’m not sure if I have a theme yet, but a month full of houses would be very useful later on.
At the Expense of the Listener: Kay Starr
Remember? I write At the Expense of the Listener too.
LeEMS Hundredth series
Hey, have ya heard about Jason Turner’s Page 100 Project, where in he, and other comic artists, illustrated page 100 of whatever book they liked/were reading? Sounds like something I’d like huh? So I did it too. Only my reading either wasn’t a story – like Mark Twain’s Christian Science, or it was junk food. I’ll keep these up as I go…..The Hundredth page 001.
Coming soon
Inktober is coming.
Flip Side is ending.
Levi Levi chapter one is ending.
Levi Levi and the Time Machine is coming.
24 hour comics day is coming.
Hey, this is the first time I ever used the gallery feature. I’ve been drawing houses recently. I’m practicing on adding more backgrounds and got to thinking of creating my own file of clip art that I could mash together to make street locations and what not. Houses.
Are you ready for Inktober?
Inktober is coming – a month long celebration of artists drawing in ink. I’ve happily watched through a couple years of Jake Parker’s Inktobers and seen other artists I follow fall in line with brush and pen. This will be the first year I give it a try. No pencils, no erasers, just ink on paper, a drawing a day, all October long. Even on 24 hour comics Day October 20th. So keep your fingers crossed for me and check back. Check back everyday. 🙂
New comic on the Drawing Board
It must be all those Halloween decoration stores going up around town. The Drawing Board is Thinking of Halloween | The LeEMS Bean.
random creature
If you are thinking about it, everyone else is too
Have you ever noticed the hive-mind? You know, when you were just talking about some celebrity who’d been out of the news or some fictional character and suddenly the same name is mentioned on a talk show. When five different movies are released based on the same premise of a long dead volcano bringing catastrophe to the country as we know it. When your friends have just been saying that you should consider having a book made of your comics and then you read a news article about Print On Demand: Major Announcement Could Change How You Buy Books.
So instead of hiring a printing service where you are restricted to a batch no smaller than 50 at the cost of $200, there will be machines that you can take your print ready PDF to, or select a book from a list of available titles, and the machine will make a book for you. This is some cool news. I imagine it will be much easier than trying to exacto and glue bind your pages!