I really enjoyed drawing that other tentacle lady.
I could say word of the day, but I’m only going to do this when I am caught off guard by unique vocabulary and cannot even infer meaning based on the context of a sentence. I.e. not very often (not to toot my own reading comprehension horn or anything☺).
Inktober nine
Inktober Hachi
Hello creepy fat bunny dude.
Inktober numer seben
Ask A Slave: A Comedy Web Series
Ask A Slave: A Comedy Web Series starring Azie Dungey that puts all of the “most interesting, and somewhat infuriating encounters” she had while portraying a slave in historical sites on the East Coast. While it is hilarious in a laugh-at-the-stupid-tourist kinda way, it’s also really sad that real questions inspired the show. It makes me embarrassed for my species.
Inktober SIX
Bring in the hounds.
Calling it a night
For drawing a least. My thumb is killing me.
Page 11:
From page 13:
And I made it to a complete 15 page comic. Richard says it’s awesome, so I’m not so bummed that I didn’t make a full 24 again. It will be posting soon.
Good night.
24….Hour….s l o w…….
Yo. From page 7:
Page 8:
Page 9 is a big old splash page, so you can’t see it yet.
But page 10 is also done:
How do you like your peeks?
Going so slow…
Page 4: I managed to sneak Levi into the party. I’ll have a better picture of his pseudo costume later this month.
Page 5: He should’ve had a straw.
Page 6: No preview for you. I am not in the swing this year, but I’m not quitting yet. Will you forgive me if I don’t make it all 24 pages?
Proof that I’m 24 hour comicking
Alright. I got three pages into “The Halloween Party.” And…I’m only going to show you little clips so I don’t spoil the surprise when I post them for real.
Inktober numero cinco
And now…on to 24 Hour Comics Day. You know, late. After chores.
But I have an idea now, thanks to my Friday lunchtime friend.
Inktober 04
Still, so not ready for 24 Hour Comics Day…
Inktober 03
web site updates
I’ve been letting some of my more labor intensive artworks get lost in Bean history. I’ve pulled out a selection of art that I want to make sure has a permanent home and I gave them it. A permanent home that is, on theLeEMSmachine.com. And I did a fancy uniform crop thumbnail arrangement. Not ground breaking…but a first for me. 🙂