Hey ya’ll! I got to work on a collaborative zine with some lovely ladies. Check it out!
Now available for pre-order: The Four Corners Halloween zine features insights, articles, recipes, and how-tos on all aspects of magical living to help you celebrate the season. Four Corners is a 7x 10.5 in., 24 page full color zine.
All pre-orders are the sale price of $7, shipping included, and will be sent out at the beginning of October. Secure your copy now, on sale, before rates go up!
Pre-order now!
Four Corners can also be purchased as a digital edition. If you are proudly paperless, you can get your digital print today!
- Katharine Horace – mysticsouloracle.com
- Allison Lovelady – pinterest.com/loveladya
- Keirstin Proud – lifesmagick.com
- LeEtta Schmidt – theleemsmachine.com
- Death: The Great Equalizer and Bringer of Transformation (Tarot feature)
- Witch Goddess Nicnevin
- Creating an Altar
- Top 10 Movies and Music to get you in the mood
- Magick Scent
- Art of the Costume
- Power Stones and Crystals
- Connecting with Spirits
- Soul Cakes Recipe
- Sandworm Necklace Craft
- Witches from History: Mother Shipton (comic)