Dunno if you’ve noticed, but I like to commit to crazy creative challenges. I keep finding out about ones that have just passed without my knowlege (like hourly comics day). So in an attempt to miss as few as possible, I’m planning.
Inktober – an ink drawing a day throughout October: no pencils, no erasers.
24 hour comics day – registration open in June. This was a crazy day to get through the first time I did it, but I ended up drawing a story I probably would never have come up with otherwise.
NaNoWriMo – November writing challenge. I’ve signed up every year since I first heard about it in 2008. I have only won twice. There is something magical about having a quest, a goal, a crusade to throw yourself into the moment you get home from work.
Jason Turner Project or Page 100 – where you make a comic of the 100th page of a favorite book. I was so excited about this I rushed to my book room to grab one of my childhood favorites and realized that I’ll probably have to re-read the thing in order to get it right.
Allison Lehman’s 30 Day drawing challenge – I was looking around for more challenges and I found this. I like the list and the idea of compiling a challenge of one’s own. So the months outside of October and November are prime for this.