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witching the outdoors

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I think I need to return to my dictionary. For the life of me, I couldn’t think of or find a word that encapsulates “to make more appealing/desirable” other than witching. Witching works I think.

And this year we have taken some massive forward steps at witching our outdoor space behind the house. We started by enclosing it with roof and screen, so it is more of a transitional space than truly outdoors. Then there was converting one of the old original (completely un-level and un-plum) brick planters into a bench by decking over the top. I am quite proud of this. Cushions are coming.

Already, the extra shade, the promise of protection from mosquitoes, and the seating make the space so alluring. I am called to go outside even when the temperature INSIDE the patio is above 90F. Eventually we will have ceiling fans. This is the only thing our house was missing from our original wish-list: a Florida room.

*yes, the stairs go to no-where and will help to make up an L-shaped bench seating area.

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