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Know thyself

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I was long overdue in looking at the junk mail folder to which my email client automatically moved emails that fit a certain profile so I didn’t see this email until recently.

It’s terrifying right? This duder’s malware gave them access to all my accounts and my web cam! I am aware of several situations where people have been legitimately blackmailed by individuals who had gained access to their computers and accounts. How do I know this is a fake designed to get me to go to where-ever Googling their keyword would take me and also to give them money? I mean, they did really have an old password of mine. Well, I know me, and I know that I change my passwords frequently. I make sure my browser and operating system are kept up to date. I know all the web cams in my house are covered by stickers.

I did change my passwords again, just to be safe, but the point is, if I hadn’t already learned good online habits, or I did the Google search as they told me to, I may have fallen victim to a real blackmail scenario. So I thought I’d share, just in case this reminder might be helpful to you.

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