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Cat love

Cat love published on 2 Comments on Cat love

CriscoCatCrisco likes the camera, but sometimes gets too close.  He was too lazy to investigate this time and I ended up with a cover for Cat Fanciers magazine or something.  Isn’t he handsome?

I have tried to keep the cat love to a minimum, maybe in some vain attempt to resist the librarian trend.  Seriously, everyone (bold generalized statement) in my library is obsessed with cats.  Want a topic to break the ice at a staff party:  Cats.  But who am I kidding?  Why am I resisting?

I have the coolest cats ever!


You’re a librarian too??!?


I was already thinking how many ideas in your artwork and crafts are like things I’ve done or have wanted to do, and now we’re both librarians on top of everything else!! We’re doppelgangers or some junk! It’s spooky!

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