aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggghh! my arm is killing me. I need to stretch again. But otherwise THIS IS FUN!
pgs 9 and 10 for 24 hr comic day
pgs 7 and 8
pgs 5 and 6 for 24 hr comic day
Pgs 3 and 4 of Death goes to Octoberfest
teaser from the final pages
1st 2 pgs of 24 hr comic day
24 Hours until 24 hour comics day
I’ve got 24 hours before my comic drawing marathon begins. I’m really ridiculously excited and have been boring and annoying everyone with talk of it all week. I will be posting all the pictures here as I go.
draw ink scan
draw ink scan
draw draw ink draw ink ink scaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan
Almost can’t wait
At the end of this week is 24 hour comics day. Saturday, October 1st to be exact. My challenge will start at 8am. I’m kind of thinking that it will be ok, and that my tendency to draw draw draw every evening will serve me well. And then I’m thinking that I’m underestimating the challenge and I will be a crazy eyed zombie by the time it is done.
Anyway! I will be posting the pages here as they are completed, so check in to see how I’m doing.
More More More
Alright kiddies. I had an epiphany–I greatly dislike manual upkeep on an rss feed, which is what I was doing for Levi Levi ever since I took it off of it’s old blog platform years ago. Combine that with the guilt I’ve been feeling about not regularly updating the Bean and voila! — a new website for my projects means a new life for the Bean. While there will still be some consumption commentary, the Bean will be more about production.
I mean, it only makes sense yeah? The Bean is my bean, and since I’ve been more into making things than taking things it should be too.
This is my idea: this fancy new blogging platform makes it easy to offer multiple feeds out of one blog. Sooooooo, the Bean will make my comic feeds for me. So far, I’ve listed the currently production ready comics as their own ‘subscribe to’ links over on the right. Updates on the Bean will happen before updates to the comic pages themselves–but the pages won’t be too far behind.
I love feeds, they’re awesome!
This new roll-out comes complete with a little more of comics that I’d only touched on in my previous web site release. Well, those pages are expanded now too, as I’ve just updated the web site again. No Evil and Flip Side are underway, along with upcoming pages for Levi Levi. Soon to follow is Left Overs.
24 hour comics day
I’ve heard of this, somewhere, on someone’s tumblr or deviant art page at some point in time, but I never remembered to figure out what it is, which is weird because I like participating in online creative challenges. Never remembered to figure it out until now, that is. I just signed up for 24 hour comics day. The site is weird and the sign up process is a lot like making a charitable pledge, but I circled around it a bunch of times to make sure it was the right place.
On October 1st (I decided to start myself at 8 a.m.) I will be drawing a 24 page comic in 24 hours. The frenzied activity will distract me from my hasty rush to finish a couple of in progress stories before NaNoWriMo, and my obsession with trying to figure out what I am doing for NaNoWriMo. Now I just have to figure out what I am doing for 24 hour comics day.
So, come on! Whose with me?
The long and treacherous path
Alright, HELLO! once again. I am happy to be back, though truthfully, the Bean was the least affected of all my web site woes. Moving around took a little more finagling than I had anticipated, but I’ve learned a whole lot of new things. Right now I am happy to wave buh-bye to third party domain retailers, wonky web elements in IE, and my lousy ‘check back soon’ home page. Yay!
Of all the things I’ve run into that have astounded me, there is one that I cannot find anyone talking about online–complaints or fixes. Maybe I’m just searching it wrong. But here goes–I have a fancy SLR digital camera that I love to bitsies. Harvesting off of this loverly camera results in a bunch of .JPG files–note JPG not jpg. What’s the difference, you ask; why should this matter? The answer is somewhere I’m sure, but I haven’t found it. The problem is a whole bunch of html, java, and whatnot don’t read one the same as the other, and it’s damned aggravating.
That’s enough of that, what’s really important is that I have a NEW WEBSITE, at the old hangout. And on this NEW WEBSITE are NEW LEVI LEVI pages and an entirely NEW and COMPLETE comic (part 1 anyway) called Unlikely Bedfellows. There’s a whole bunch of other stuff too. I’m so proud!
Moving around
Well, alright. I am working on a web-site overhaul and in the midst of planning I submitted to my dissatisfaction with my domain host and moved sites. The LeEMS machine still looks the same and you can still get to it in the same way, but the Bean has moved and changed. Well, it’s still at the same address…I’m just not sure that it’s RSS feed is at the same address. AND in the process of moving platforms, I only transferred the 10 most recent posts of three or so years worth of posts. I’m thinking of posting the archives in pdf chunks, but I don’t know if there’s any call for that. I’ll keep thinking.
Anyway, I am really excited with my code that you can’t see yet. So, we’ll see what happens.
Announcing: the revival of the Etsy shop
Ok, its been a long time coming but I have finally invested some time in my Etsy store once again. No telling if I'll be more successful than I was before, but I do have a stock to liquidate and it won't get sold if it's just sitting in my closet.
Comic updates

Alright, so this blog has become very different than what it started out being. I used to have time to consume as much creative things as I created, and so I originally used this space to talk about the awesome things I had found out. But now, I don’t–though I seem to be creating more. Drawing ‘s like therapy you know.
Anyway, I found these four already drawn pages of Levi Levi hiding out in a little sketch book while I was cleaning and luckily, they fit in with the story I had been drawing besides.
Oh, and the action comic that I called action comic because I didn’t have a name for it now has a name: Unlikely Bedfellows. Yes, it has a name, and many many pages that are drawn and inked. I do not yet know how I am going to share them.