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Baaa-aa-aa-aa-aa published on No Comments on Baaa-aa-aa-aa-aa

Dinner challenge

Dinner challenge published on No Comments on Dinner challenge

The ingredients from the pantry inventory:  farfalle pasta (bowtie), alfredo sauce, a can of quartered artichoke hearts and crumbly sausage.

The idea:  brown the sausage and then mix all the stuff together after cooking and bake (to take the jarred alfredo sauce taste out of the alfredo).  Unfortunately the alfredo sauce surprised me with a use by date of January 2012.  I wasn’t willing to tempt fate.

The solution:  cook other ingredients as planned and assemble with goat cheese and parmesan (found in the fridge).  It worked out pretty well and I’m only slightly irked that the alfredo sauce expired under my watch.

How to solve impossible problems: Daniel Russell’s awesome Google search techniques

How to solve impossible problems: Daniel Russell’s awesome Google search techniques published on No Comments on How to solve impossible problems: Daniel Russell’s awesome Google search techniques

How to solve impossible problems: Daniel Russell’s awesome Google search techniques is the most fantastic thing I have read in a while.  I am often swimming in search results pages, looking for something that other people can’t find and just when I’ve got a whole list of tips and tricks – I don’t know what to search for first.

These things really work

These things really work published on No Comments on These things really work

Forest FruitsSo, I’m juggling being a work-aholic with caring for family and I got a cold.  I tend to stock up on healthy snacks and vitamin drinks when I know I am overtaxed and that’s when I found Belvita Breakfast Biscuits | Biscuits specially designed for breakfast.

I carried them around in my purse for a couple days and ended up shoveling a single serving pack of four biscuits in my mouth during a commute when I realized I’d waited too long to eat.  They did the trick, but I didn’t realize how AMAZING they were until I had another pack at work when I got to that point in the afternoon where my cold was reminding me that I should have stayed home.  Did I say AMAZING?  THESE BISCUITS ARE THE BOMB!  Anything that can make me with a cold feel semi-human in the afternoon deserve to be sought out and hoarded.

Apparently they’re marketed for special slow release carbohydrates that can energize you for hours.  I recommend them highly.  I am going out to get more of them.

Clarence from Your Name Here

Clarence from Your Name Here published on No Comments on Clarence from Your Name Here


This is going to be an awesome comic – that is, if it comes out the way it is in my head.

Recipes – stuffed peppers

Recipes – stuffed peppers published on No Comments on Recipes – stuffed peppers

Not original by any means, I know.  Basically mine is just another vehicle for other things you might want to get rid of, that is, left-overs:  some rice, tomato puree, chick peas, ground beef, cheese, etc.  I picked up a tip to coat the peppers in olive oil to help them cook.

Then bake at 350-400 until the peppers change color and get all flimsy.

Like I said, not original.  I have to post them because my husband likes them so much.

Just a distraction

Just a distraction published on 2 Comments on Just a distraction

I’ve had this open on my computer for weeks now.  I’d work on it whenever I couldn’t think of anything else to do or was actively trying to avoid doing something else now.  I think I’m done with it now.

T-Shirt contest

T-Shirt contest published on No Comments on T-Shirt contest

Yo.  So, I entered the Giraffes?Giraffes! t-shirt contest.  I didn’t win, but I thought you might be interested in the design none-the-less.  Here tis:

Planning web page edits

Planning web page edits published on No Comments on Planning web page edits

Ok, I am planning more improvements to the site again.  It happens the more time I spend in waiting rooms.  I flip through this notebook I carry around in my purse and see some message to myself about something I should change or update and then I’m drawing pictures of major page make-overs.  Eventually I will be completely satisfied with all my existing pages and will only be able to add more.  That’s what I imagine anyway.

But then I’ll learn something new.

continuing on a theme

continuing on a theme published on No Comments on continuing on a theme

Hey there – where’re the drawings?

Hey there – where’re the drawings? published on No Comments on Hey there – where’re the drawings?

Recipes – Asparagus egg and cheese pie

Recipes – Asparagus egg and cheese pie published on No Comments on Recipes – Asparagus egg and cheese pie

I don’t make anything that can be called a quiche because I don’t like to add milk or cream to eggs, not even to scramble ’em.  But I do make a couple varieties of egg and cheese pie.

Ingredients:  eggs, cheese, some kind of vegetable (asparagus for us), and pie crust (optional).

Directions:  if you are going to put it in a pie crust, make your pie crust first and stick it in the oven while you mix up the other stuff.  These don’t need pie crusts at all and usually I am too lazy to make one in advance.

Next, in a mixing bowl, break and empty about six large eggs.  Discard shells.  Put a whole heap of shredded cheese of various kinds in there.  Add seasoning.  Stir like crazy and make sure that all the egg yokes are broken.

Chop asparagus into little pieces.  Get out your pie pan with or without crust inside and add asparagus.  Finally, pour egg and cheese mixture over and schmoosh around until everything’s about even.  Bake at 350-375 until you’ve smelled all the ingredients cooking and the top is browned (about 30 minutes I think).  Eat.

Note:  if you’re using a leafy floppy vegetable like spinach you could probably mix it in the bowl with the egg and cheese and then pour it all together.  I put the asparagus in the pan first to minimize splashing when pouring.

A while ago, when I spent more time in the stacks, I found this book called White Trash Cooking.  In it I found a recipe called Leetta’s Fancy Eggs & Cheese Pie.  That Leetta used cream in her pie and she didn’t capitalize the second ‘e’ in her name, but I felt an affinity just the same.  Nearby in the same book I found Margie’s Fried Chicken and Alma’s Almond Omelet.  That’s me, mom and grandma all in one book.  So of course I love White Trash Cooking.  I might talk more on it later, even.

On my Brain

On my Brain published on No Comments on On my Brain

I tested out both The Brain and FreeMind last weekend and I’m still trying to brainstorm up more ways to use the software.   The Brain is shown above with all my stuff in it.  I like the expanded view (shown) the best because it looks like some kind of biological chaos.  I also really like the ability to link ‘thoughts’ to documents or web pages and then link them together regardless of their hierarchy.  Instead of a standard tree branch formation you can actually have crossing branches.  This would have come in handy when I was researching genealogy (for an unnamed family) and got stuck with that one generation with marriages between two couples of first cousins.  Ok, yeah, it was my family.  But it was so long ago I doubt it has any bearing on my mental capacities.  I really like  The Brain for file and project management.

FreeMind is a little different and a lot less chaotic looking.  It is more of a standard tree branch set up.  I’ve used it hear to get a visual representation of my characters.  What you don’t see in this snapshot is that each little circle at the end of a line either expands to more tree branches or (in the case of names) expands to a full character description/bio and picture.  The arrows show cross-overs of characters between story-lines.  I’m currently using FreeMind to mock up my next choose-your-own adventure story.  So I recommend both.

But I just like this so much

But I just like this so much published on No Comments on But I just like this so much

I must talk some shop here ’cause Ask a Librarian (that is a library chat service/community in Florida) has launched an ad campaign that I find absolutely scrumptious.

25 Lives of Marcus Trapp – coming soon

25 Lives of Marcus Trapp – coming soon published on No Comments on 25 Lives of Marcus Trapp – coming soon

I’ve got the line-up, and believe you me it was not very easy getting all this laid out. Before I could come up with such a simple list I had to do some major studying up on my history.  If you’ve been following along with any of my other project posts then you may have noticed that the original title ’22 Lives of Marcus Trapp’ has been changed to 25 lives.  I started with #1, actually I started with #2, and ended up with more lives then planned for.  25 rhymes with lives, so it still sounds good.

  1. Tian Ma 279-251 BC
  2. Trappimus Marcus 248-216 BC
  3. Marcos Ptatat 190-164 BC
  4. Tarquinius Marcos 55-81 BC
  5. Marius Thracius 7-69 AD
  6. Marco Tarpeius 105-160 AD
  7. Marut 210-243 AD
  8. Mulac 359-410 AD
  9. Marrok Apgwyn 446-477 AD
  10. Mattaki 550-648 AD
  11. Masaru 693-760 AD
  12. Musa Ibn Thabit 820-851 AD
  13. Mar Tysson 958-978 AD
  14. Morcant 1058-1083 AD
  15. Gansükh Tömörbaatar 1187-1223 AD
  16. Girrafe 1250-1262 AD
  17. Marceau Tasse 1301-1349 AD
  18. Markus Pfaff 1455-1525 AD
  19. Mason Trask 1544-1594 AD
  20. Mary Tarr 1595-1602 AD
  21. Morten Sorensen 1602-1644 AD
  22. Mark Trapper 1743-1775 AD
  23. Marcus Trappe 1775-1816 AD
  24. Marcus Trapp 1836-1939 AD
  25. Marianne Trap 1980-2008 AD

Is this enough of a teaser?  Do you wonder what I’m going to do with all this?

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