I said it was going to happen and now it is! My comic version of Grimm’s Wolf and 7 Kids, originally drawn as a submission to a fairy tale anthology, is posting on my site. Go read it!
British comedy
I didn’t know what to draw one night so I asked my husband for advice. We were watching Keeping Up Appearances at the time during one of Onslo and Daisy’s morning in bed scenes, so he suggested I draw them young. This is it.
Fairy tale comic coming soon
I have been officially silently unaccepted for the fairytale anthology. Maybe it was because I tried computer aided lettering for the first time, but I’m only guessing. But good for ya’ll ’cause now I’ll post the thing here. Starting with the art I submitted for the anthology cover.
Levi Levi motorcycle messenger
He wants to suck your intestines out. He’s hungry, can you tell?
Flip Side comic update
No idea what i should draw
Fairy tales
I had this sketch sitting around doing nothing for a very very long time, so I threw some shrubs over top it and have removed it from my working folder. This is Snow White and Rose Red. Gustaf Tenggren’s illustrated version used to be my favorite story book when I was little. Only I think Snow White is actually supposed to be platinum haired – I must be mixing up my fairy tales.
First conception of Misa, now fully introduced in Levi Levi.
More mapping?
I’m trying some new stuff because I had an idea that ‘The Brain’ would be good for encapsulating and displaying a concept that is as web like as I have found interlibrary loan to be (yeah, this is library stuff). But ‘The Brain’ is not so accessible when you’re traveling from computer to computer. So, I wanted to scope out some other ways of concept mapping. I found bubbl.us. It’s pretty good and a free account gets three maps worth of storage that you can share and link to. (Yes, this is all about Interlibrary Loan – it’s what I do)
What I’m really after, now that I’ve been shopping around, is a way to insert the finished mind map into my web site. There I could host and share it forever (even password protect it if I wanted). Unfortunately bubbl.us ‘s HTML export just looks like a colorful list with anchor tags:
So I am still looking. Though, to be completely on the up and up I have to admit that a pro version of the brain offers an HTML export that creates a working online brain when loaded into a web server. It might very well be what I am looking for if I could just be satisfied with what I’ve already found.
What do you think?
You see, I was thinking of ways to make all my running comics more visible. I know the RSS feeds of blog and webcomics are combined, but site visitors are not seeing recent comic postings unless they visit the individual comics. So what about doing short linking posts like what I just did with the song comic. RSS feeders are gonna get double notification, but hopefully it won’t be too annoying.
Or maybe I’m gonna play around with having the most recent comic page of whatever comic post at the top and keep all the blog posts below. What d’ya think of that?
New Comic on the Bean
Airplane studies
Do you ever find that when you are waiting for an airplane all you have to do with yourself is try desperately not to stare at other people. Sometimes I fail, if only because sometimes people in airports are crazy interesting.
King Levi
Pages are coming, I promise. I was drawing them last night even. Or, it – I was drawing it. I need to draw more and then ink and then scan and there will be more Levi Levi.
I know I know
I have let the comics updates slide again. I promise new pages of Flip Side and Levi Levi are coming. I was having troubles drawing anything coherent and it’s tough when you are trying to wrap up a couple of stories so you can move on to the next one. So, this weekend I distracted myself by doing some minor redesigns on my website. You might notice it even.