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INKTOBER #015 published on No Comments on INKTOBER #015

24 hour comics day is coming!

24 hour comics day is coming! published on No Comments on 24 hour comics day is coming!

24 hour comics day is coming!  I need to come up with an idea – though, of course, nothing more than an idea.  The challenge is to plan, draw, and finish a 24 page comic in 24 hours.  There can be no story written, no layouts sketched, nothing until the big day.  How it’s finished is up to the artist.  I did my usual last year (pencil sketches inked with a grey pallet).  I’m trying to decide if I’m up for that this year.  I can still remember how my shoulder felt afterwards.  Why must I mouse and draw with the same hand?

Since I’m doing the challenge from home I will be posting updates and comic pages as I go this Saturday.  Thank goodness I finally have a correct installation of webcomic (is, by the by, a fabulous comic displaying wordpress plugin, with which my recent trials were probably all my fault).


INKTOBER #014 published on No Comments on INKTOBER #014


INKTOBER #013 published on No Comments on INKTOBER #013


Fixed published on No Comments on Fixed

Ok, the comics are back – sans any comments or explanations I may have posted with them originally.  I had to publish them in the past so their dates are all wonky, but doing it this way did give me a chance to re-organize a little.  All short comics are located in The Drawing Board now, and navigable via their story line (which will show up as a drop box in the left hand menu).  This is where The Lighthousemen of Eileen Mor is posting as well (it’s doing it right now!).


Tonematrix published on No Comments on Tonematrix

Looking for something to do and like to make pretty sounds.  I was going through one of the many places I save things to, you know, files, bookmarks, email folders.  Everything in a different and slightly organized place so you may never remember it again.  I found Tonematrix.


INKTOBER #012 published on No Comments on INKTOBER #012

Unsolved Mysteries comic

Unsolved Mysteries comic published on No Comments on Unsolved Mysteries comic

Emmi Gennis has been previewing the mysterious stories that will be featured in the Hic & Hoc  unsolved mysteries anthology.  There are some fantastic and promising pages for this book – I’m looking forward to getting my hands on it.

I suppose I’m kind of dissapointed too, since Graham Kahler’s submission means I missed the boat again.  But you know what that means!  You get to read the thing here, yes you do.  So keep your eyes peeled forThe Lighthousemen of Eilean Mor.  I’ll give you a heads up too – when it’s posting.

Meanwhile, click on the pic to see Emmi Gennis’ blog and check out the other cool comic artists included in the upcoming anthology.


INKTOBER #011 published on No Comments on INKTOBER #011


INKTOBER #010 ? published on No Comments on INKTOBER #010 ?


Sigh published on No Comments on Sigh

I upgraded my webcomic installation and it stalled (perhaps because of the network I’m on or what else I was doing at the time).  So now, all the links to my comics are 404s.  All the pages are still there in my site, so I’ll get this settled sometime soon.

Guess it’s good that I was ending stuff up.  All the new comics will be fresh starts….and thinking of that.  I created a networked wordpress to test some work stuff.  Now that I have it, I could give some of my comics their own blogs – you know, instead of having them running in the back of my blog and showing up mixed in the rss feed.  I dunno.  Is this a good idea?  I have a couple of stories that I know are going to continue and grow…

Stuff to think on.

Broken pages.



INTOBER #009 published on No Comments on INTOBER #009

Barely made it today.


INKTOBER #008 published on No Comments on INKTOBER #008


INKTOBER #007 published on No Comments on INKTOBER #007


INKTOBER #006 published on No Comments on INKTOBER #006

Primary Sidebar