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Ono published on No Comments on Ono


Some sexy outfits for Ono of Unlikely Bedfellows.  And I need to figure out a better comic script for that page.


who published on No Comments on who

WhoAreYouThe move is moved.  That is, all of our stuff is now at its new location and some of it is even unpacked.  Most of it maybe – can I say most of it?  I have been alternately hopeful for the final product and overwhelmed by stuff. Liberal applications of Murder She Wrote barely take the sting away.

Even after my initial realization:  When what you love gets lost in what you have, I am still stripping away layers.  It will be awesome when it is done.  I promise.

Finishing off the apartment will have to be on hold while I get my librarian on at ALA this weekend.

This picture accidentally looks like a friend of mine.

Murder She Wrote is the continuous background entertainment of choice for packing and unpacking.  And now I may be getting addicted.  It’s a TV actor surprise around every corner!

This is now officially rambling.

nature spirit

nature spirit published on 2 Comments on nature spirit


Camp NaNoWriMo

Camp NaNoWriMo published on No Comments on Camp NaNoWriMo

How could I miss this?  No, scratch that, I have been too checked out to make a decent attempt at November’s NaNoWriMo to have paid attention to another opportunity to write together/separately with a host of like-minded story tellers, even if I do love it.  For two years now, I have missed this and I will miss it no more!

I will go to Camp NaNoWriMo and I will write in July.  And it is not daunting, you lot, ’cause each writer gets to choose her own word limit, and you can work on a preexisting project if you want.

And you can commiserate with me at my profile:  Only I don’t know if I’m going to try something new or finish something old.  I should probably finish something old, but which one:  Intervening Variable or 800 Square Miles?  And how many words should I shoot for?  800 Square Miles could probably use another 50,000 since the first 50,000 left the action smack in the middle of my idea.

And give!  Camp NaNoWriMo is another opportunity to support the good work of the Office of Letters and Light, encouraging creativity in young and old.

When what you love gets lost in what you have

When what you love gets lost in what you have published on 4 Comments on When what you love gets lost in what you have

I’ve mentioned that I’m moving.  I’ve been packing boxes here and there for weeks now.  The moving company I hired has packing tips, a FAQ, and a blog all talking about the best way to move.  Getting an early start is on one of those lists, and so is the admission that packing things for one’s self invariably leads to moments of delay and nostalgia.

It’s dawned on me, in my many delighted discoveries amid the jumble of my own stuff, that what I have has been hiding the things I have that I love.  It is a myriad of circumstances that has amounted to the stuff I have now and I have been feeling suffocated by it for sometime.  I like to weed out the ‘it’s ok’ from the ‘I love that so much’ at regular intervals, and I have fallen behind in this chore.  I think utilitarian and aesthetically pleasing should be the same.  I think that everyday plates and fine china should be the same.  I think a thing is useless if it is not used, no matter how expensive or precious it may be.  And I think that useful things are only necessary-evils (perhaps unnecessary) when their form and construction does not delight the user.

I am not a minimalist.  I love mementos.  I am the kid who could not pass by a shiny object in a parking lot without picking it up and evaluating its potential to come home with me.  But I do not simply collect all things teddy bear (OK, I did when I was 10).  The things I gather about me are varied in appearance, not easily predictable, and precious because they mean something to me.  This goes for a growing personal library as well.

But, how often have I bought a book because it was of passing interest and/or I really did not want to leave the store without a purchase?  How many of the things around me am I keeping because someone at sometime gave them to me and I don’t want to run the risk of insulting them?  How many things do I have that are precious to someone else and not me?  These things that I don’t care so much for have been blocking my view to the things for which I do care very much.  They are not rubbish; they are not entirely lacking in meaning, but they could be much better put to use by someone who would like them better than I do.

I have been walking into my apartment and heading for one small corner every evening.  My stuff lives in the rest of the apartment, not me.  When I bring home any new precious object, I keep it on the coffee table, in a semi-conscious effort to keep it from being swallowed up by everything else.  How have I let it get this way?

I am packing boxes, sorting things as I go and making piles of things to go to donation.  I am packing boxes, becoming excited at the coming opportunity to use all my great stuff when I unpack it.  All my great stuff has been here the whole time, and I had forgotten.  My view of it had been blocked by everything else that has been here too.

I have stored things before, boxes that traveled around with my mother because I could not take them to college with me.  Extra stuff that didn’t have a place and ended up in a bin in the closet.  I have often proclaimed that if I didn’t remember what was in it, then I didn’t need any of it anymore.  That should go for drawers and shelves and closets too.  Can you shut your eyes and imagine every thing in the cupboard next to the stove?  How about the coat closet?  If you went there and looked would you say ‘Awesome!  I forgot all about that; I gotta use it now!’ or would you say ‘oh, yeah, I forgot about that, I’m always moving it out of the way?’  I found way too many, ‘oh, yeah’ items and I don’t want to move with them.  I don’t want them in the way of the ‘Awesome!’ things anymore.

I feel like Sarah in the Labyrinth, with my stuff distracting me from what’s really important (only there’s no hermit woman over my shoulder and I haven’t eaten a wormy peach-’cause that’s nasty).

Another Tattoo

Another Tattoo published on No Comments on Another Tattoo

phoenixtattoo2 I didn’t finish this one in time to be included in my previous tattoo post.  This one came to me in a dream and has since has been remembered so much it most certainly doesn’t look like what I dreamed.  (that’s right, I surreptitiously linked to an article about neurological research!)




Moving published on 1 Comment on Moving

Hello lovely people.  I feel like I haven’t yet regained my stride and now I am packing.  Well, I have been packing and this coming week I will be moving and then I will be unpacking.  I’m getting kind of nervous about it and I don’t know when to pack my sketch book.  Not right now obviously, but when?  Yes, that is actually bothering me.  Wish me luck and I promise I’ll get back to drawing comics and all sorts of stuff as soon as I can.

ghost lady

ghost lady published on No Comments on ghost lady


Levi Levi news

Levi Levi news published on No Comments on Levi Levi news

LeviLevi009So,…how’re you doin’?

I am currently preparing the first chapter of Levi Levi:  Anything You Need for Hire for printing.  That’s right.  There will be, out there in the world, physical copies of Levi Levi comic for sale (in my Etsy shop).  Can you dig it?

While thinking about this printing Levi Levi thing I realized that I have a few 1st chapters and collections that would make a good printing themselves.  I’ll be printing up the Monster Girl’s School zine too.  Richard of DoomedMoviethon thinks I am underestimating demand since I got a quote for only 15 of these…I could always get more printed if they go quick.

the cat

the cat published on No Comments on the cat


There was a time when I filled a sketchbook and did not scan it.  That time is gone.  Wow, just thinking about it, I wonder how much old art stuff I have crowding my bookshelves that the world has never seen?

imaginary architecture

imaginary architecture published on No Comments on imaginary architecture

underground levels

Paper Mites

Paper Mites published on No Comments on Paper Mites

I work in an office with a lot of paper.  I hear complaints that are refuted in the two articles that follow, both of which are generated by higher education.  I leave it at that.

“Myth 3. Paper mites in an office will fly or jump and bite people. False. First, there is no such thing as a paper mite. Second, mites cannot fly or jump. The myth of paper mites probably is related to a phenomena know as cable mite dermatitis. The fictitious “cable mite” term was coined by entomologists asked to investigate “mites” attacking workers in a laboratory. The symptoms started after an electrical cable was installed in the ceiling of the lab. Particulate matter was dislodged from insulation during the installation and got into the ventilating system. The dust or “cable mites” was then circulating throughout the lab, irritating the occupants. When they removed the dust, the dermatitis that the workers experienced, ceased. If you think mites are biting you, collect them, bring them to your county Extension office and have them identified. What you think may be a mite, might not.”

via Pest Myths : College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences : Clemson University : South Carolina.


“Illusory Parasitosis

“A common problem that people encounter is “bites,” itching, or skin irritations that are assumed to be caused by insects but for which no insects or mites can be seen or found. Illusory parasitosis is one of many names used to describe bite-like symptoms caused by non-animal environmental factors. Other names used for the nonexistent arthropods assumed to be the cause of a skin irritation are “paper mite,” “sand flea,” and “cable mite.” There are no such animals as the mythical arthropods just listed.

“There are only a few biting insects that produce skin reactions, and these are all large enough to be seen and readily identified. Common biting pests include fleas, head lice, ticks, bat bugs, bed bugs and mosquitoes. Obscure or microscopic organisms that may bite are possible (the most likely being the skin-infesting scabies mite) but these can be isolated and identified by a dermatologist.

“Our study of unexplained biting sensations has uncovered several published articles on the topic and a long list of potential causes for “biting” sensations or skin irritation. Some of the most common causes are:

“Physical agents

  • dry air
  • static electricity
  • personal and household products; e.g., detergents, cosmetics, jewelry
  • environmental pollutants
  • microscopic fibers; e.g., fiber glass or paper splinters
  • gases or indoor air pollution; “sick or tight building syndrome”

“Physiologic factors

  • allergies
  • diseases and disorders such as diabetes
  • neurological disorder such as shingles

“Psychological state

  • anger, anxiety, stress, nerves”

via Illusory Parasitosis | Iowa Insect Information Notes.



dreaming published on No Comments on dreaming

from a dreamI had a dream a few nights ago.  In my dream, I was in some nameless and fantastical European city, surrounded by strange architecture.  While passing through a pedestrian square I lamented not bringing a camera other than my phone and struggled to capture a picture of a giant marble pillar.  It was carved in larger than life bass relief statuary which seemed to depict an assent from or decent into Hell.  This is a little bit of the scene I was trying desperately to focus my cell phone camera on.  I can’t remember if I managed to snap the picture in the dream or not.  It wasn’t on my phone when I woke up in the morning.


doodling published on No Comments on doodling

tightropewalker randommen

On Fire

On Fire published on No Comments on On Fire

onfire2 OnFire

I had an idea, and then I did it twice

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