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CrazyTalk7 published on No Comments on CrazyTalk7

Last week I read about this program CrazyTalk7 which is supposed to auto-animate images to a voice.  And I had to give it a try.  So I drew an extra special drawing of Annie and downloaded the PRO trial.  After some post editing in Adobe, I ended up with what you see here.  Annie’s reading a little from “Little River Love Story.”

The PRO trial leaves a watermark on your video, doesn’t let you save a project, and cuts off your recording at less than two minutes, but it does let you see the possibilities of the program (the tunnel sound to my voice is due to my headset, not the program).  This tickles me.

Inktober 19

Inktober 19 published on No Comments on Inktober 19


are all of my inktobers tilting their heads to the right?  I think if they are tilting their heads, it is true.

Inktober day 18

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NaNoWriMo is coming

NaNoWriMo is coming published on No Comments on NaNoWriMo is coming


And I am all set for it.  I’m ready and waiting.  I know what I’m going to write:  a novel idea I had brewing but didn’t allow myself to do much more than jot down ideas ’cause I had too many other stories to finish.  It is The Devil of Westhope-Fairview, and it’s going to be awesome!  Come write with me in November.

Inktober 17

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Inktober 16

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The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights published on No Comments on The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

According to blogs I read, it is blog action day today and the theme is Human Rights.  I think the declaration and it’s visual interpretations speak for themselves, so I’ll just share them with you.  The Human Action Rights Center YouTube has an awesome video:

And ZEN PENCILS – 134. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights has an awesome poster that simplifies and yet captures the heart of the Human Rights Declaration.

Fan Fiction and Copyright by Aaron Schwabach

Fan Fiction and Copyright by Aaron Schwabach published on No Comments on Fan Fiction and Copyright by Aaron Schwabach

I have just finished reading through Fan Fiction and Copyright : Outsider Works and Intellectual Property Protection by Aaron Schwabach, and since I can’t stop mentioning it to friends I run into and have lunch with, I’m going to mention it to you too.

You might think that an examination of fan fiction’s use of another’s intellectual property under copyright law might be a little dry and laborious.  You might even think that such a work by a law professor would be like returning to school during the days of your most intense burn-out.  You would be wrong.  Not only does Schwabach present a work that bridges the gap between legal expertise and a layman’s understanding of extremely complex laws, to which the review in the Times Higher Education points as the book’s strength, he also convinces you that he has read all the Harry Potter books, seen the movies, and all the Lord of the Rings as well.  In fact, his voice in the book comes across as that of a fan and intellectual consumer, not a wholly impartial observer.   In a book with heavy treatment of fan communities and the way they celebrate their appreciation of a creative work, and one that attempts to reach those same fans with information relevant to their activities, this is extremely important.

Though I am sure that legal study introduces one to several interesting pieces of information, it is a way of studying human history, I am loathe to attribute Schwabach’s mention of London exclusive societies, ancient greek poetry, Mozart, WWII history, and ballet to his legal study alone.  I could almost not contain my nerdgasm* when he pointed out that in the Dark Night the Batmobile does lose a wheel and the Joker does get away as is described in “Jingle Bells, Batman Smells.”

Schwabach’s breadth of knowledge is impressive.  He comes across as someone who would be a joy to talk with over dinner because he, for the most part, relates various tidbits of information with clear indication of his feelings and opinions of the thing itself, more evidence that he didn’t simply read up on the material as one would study for a research paper.  All of this and very pointed and specific examination of legal precedent that builds the structure within which fans write their tribute to the characters and the worlds of the author’s they admire makes Fan Fiction and Copyright the best nonfiction I have read all year.

*when I say nerdgasm I refer to the excitement generated when one’s concentrated devotion to a medium allows one to understand a connection between two seemingly unconnected ideas.  I do not mean nerdgasm as it is defined by the Urban dictionary.

Inktober 15

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Inktober day 14

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24 hour comics day comic posting

24 hour comics day comic posting published on No Comments on 24 hour comics day comic posting

Hey, the 15 page comic I worked up on 24 Hour Comics Day will post here on the Bean on the 28th of October.  In the world of my head, people have their Halloween Parties on Monday.

Inktober 13

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Inktober 12

Inktober 12 published on No Comments on Inktober 12


Murder and Mayhem in Miniature

Murder and Mayhem in Miniature published on No Comments on Murder and Mayhem in Miniature

Do you just happen to have a very weird figurine?  Maybe you wound up with it after a relative moved or during a clean out of grandma’s house.  I know I’ve got one, but none of the ones I have are quite as weird as these:  Murder and Mayhem in Miniature: The Lurid Side of Staffordshire Figurines | Collectors Weekly.

Inktober 11

Inktober 11 published on No Comments on Inktober 11


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