Are you ready? Have you deciding on what you will write yet? Have you made me a buddy?
Inktober day 30
Levi and Halloween costumes
And the conversation goes something like this:
Alvin (yeah, all grown up): “What are you supposed to be?”
Annie: “I’m a gorgon, you know – Medusa- What are you?”
Alvin: “Ah, um, I dunno – an army dude?”
Annie: “An army dude…because of cammo pants? Why didn’t you even try?”
Levi: “Hair’s too long, kid.”
Annie: “It’s not just that – not that you’re any better. I mean, you really went all out with that makeup.”
Levi: “Thank you!”
Annie: “I was being sarcastic.”
Alvin: “Are those snakes real?”
Annie: “Of course not.”
Alvin: “I think one just hissed at me.”
Inktober 29
inktober 28
Inktober 27
Inktober 26
Inktober day 25
Inktober 24
Stop Watching Us
Inktober 23
The Best Map Ever Made of America’s Racial Segregation
I like maps. It’s a condition I am sure I share with several other people, so I am sharing some of the most amazing collection of maps I have seen in a while. The Best Map Ever Made of America’s Racial Segregation | Wired Design | shows how we live with those around us. It’s telling and terrible most of the time, with pretty colors.
Inktober 22
Inktober day 21
10 more days to go ya’ll. I feel so on top of this. Though, next year, I think I’m going to have to make the drawings tell a story or something. A nice collection is good and all, but…