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The Sin Eater

The Sin Eater published on No Comments on The Sin Eater

Our little bit of history today comes from the depths of my Evernote where I had saved an article by Meg Favreau on Table Matters about the custom of funeral cakes, and sin eaters.  This reminded me of i09’s article “The Weird but True History of Sin Eaters”  and then the BBC article about how the grave of Richard Munslow, the last known sin eater in the UK, had been recently (2010) restored.

It’s a kind of hapless research I have in my Evernote; collections of articles and links on a subject growing larger over years, never collated.  Sin eaters would become outcasts, tainted in the public eye by the sins they had taken from the recently deceased.  The custom usually includes eating and drinking bread and wine that had been passed over the dead.  The sin eater was paid for their trouble, that of carrying the sins for the rest of their days, but also shunned.

The custom is sometimes tied to Leviticus, and thought to be a mutated practice of scapegoating, where humans and not goats are given the transgressions and cast out.

This custom alludes (methinkes) something to the Scape-goate in ye old Lawe.  Leviticus, cap. xvi, verse 21, 22.  “And Aaron shall lay both his hands on the head of the live goate and confesse over him all ye iniquities of the children of Israel, and all their transgressions in all their sins, putting them upon the head of the goat, and shall send him away by the hand of a fitt man into the wilderness.  And the goat shall bear upon him all their iniquities, unto the land no inhabited: and he shall let the goat goe unto the wilderness.”

-Hartland, E.S. (1892) “The Sin-Eater.”  Folklore.  3(2); 145-157.

But the practices of making one person a sacrifice for a whole community is very common.  Wikipedia’s scapegoat discusses the Greek custom of casting out a crippled member of the community, especially when facing an immanent threat.  Cultures all over the world have had traditions of sacrifice deep in their past, and though most of the world now shuns ritual killings, the tradition of sacrifice continues on in narrative, worship, and even politics.

Names for things and rituals may change a little, but I’m not really sure there ever will be a last sin-eater.

Etsy-Indie Comics Haul again

Etsy-Indie Comics Haul again published on 1 Comment on Etsy-Indie Comics Haul again


Okay, there are a couple in there that are not from Etsy, but Etsy is an excellent place to find excellent indie comics.  And find I did…

As You Were, an anthology comic available through Silver Sprocket

Best Day Ever by Sammy Borras

Bunny Behavior and Tigris & Vulpes by Lindsey Green

Minutiae by Aijung Kim

Monster Heart mini comic from Brogan Coral Kingsley

Poor Mick from Kat Martin‘s Etsy shop

Werebears and Only Children Minicomic from the Werebears shop of Jennifer Barrett

Whisper Grass a side comic of the Less than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal by E.K. Weaver

Witchling by Renee Nault

Finally drawing again

Finally drawing again published on No Comments on Finally drawing again

pegasusI am drawing again.  I had said I was, didn’t I?  Well, I am.

I think I like requests the best–I always end up with something I wouldn’t draw normally.  Richard of and Gyrojets wanted something for Friday’s concert so I drew him this.

If you are out and about on Friday night anywhere near Pegasus lounge in Tampa, you should stop by and see Gyrojets.  They are the bombs.

Mapping a name

Mapping a name published on No Comments on Mapping a name

You ever spend a really long time just to get a visual, or organize a huge amount of information for your own personal digestion?  And then you do nothing with it.  Well, welcome to mine.

In the course of doing some genealogical research I started to wonder where my name-sake got her name, and then to also wonder about the popularity and the spread of the name LeEtta.  And so I poured through the census and made a map of LeEtta movement from the 1860 census to the 1940 census in 40 year increments.  It looks like we’re taking over the world, but really there are only 249 of 132 million people in 1940.  That’s like one in half a million.  🙂

Given name LeEtta/Leetta in the 1860 Census.

Continue reading Mapping a name

American Manifesto – Boing Boing

American Manifesto – Boing Boing published on No Comments on American Manifesto – Boing Boing


American Manifesto by Todd Thyberg via Boing Boing is a fabulous piece of thoroughly cited education.  How can we hope to play our part in our country if we don’t know the facts?  And how can we call it our country if we don’t play our part?

when pigs fly

when pigs fly published on No Comments on when pigs fly

pigsfly It feels like an eternity already since I properly posted anything, especially a Levi Levi update.  And sadly, I’m not ready to jump back in with two feet, yet, either.

I’ve hinted already, but we have bought our first house and it is currently sucking all our time and money away.  Even so, it’s terribly exciting.  Wrestling with thorny, overgrown bushes in the hot Florida summer sun doesn’t even make it less exciting.

Expect more and more posts on house and garden stuff inspired by my house and garden.  Eventually, I might even manage a before and after slide show.  Aren’t you excited?

Bechdel test rating movies

Bechdel test rating movies published on No Comments on Bechdel test rating movies

Because I’d never heard about this before and now that I have I cannot stop applying it whenever I am confronted with a movie preview: The Bechdel test:

To get an A rating, a movie must pass the so-called Bechdel test, which means it must have at least two named female characters who talk to each other about something other than a man.

And of course, a reminder:

“There are far too many films that pass the Bechdel test that don’t help at all in making society more equal or better, and lots of films that don’t pass the test but are fantastic at those things,” said Swedish film critic Hynek Pallas.

via Swedish cinemas take aim at gender bias with Bechdel test rating | World news |

As an advertizement strategy, it’s pretty awesome.  At first, I’d say that it shouldn’t be put in a position to shut out movies that don’t fit, though, it couldn’t do worse than any current rating system.

Librarians Against DRM |

Librarians Against DRM | published on No Comments on Librarians Against DRM |


Librarians Against DRM |

Recipe – more things on toast

Recipe – more things on toast published on No Comments on Recipe – more things on toast

eggtomatopoachI mentioned before about making things on toast for dinner.  The distraction of looking for a house meant I only made two such meals before the mold came.  Obviously, it’s been a while since that happened; I’ve been keeping this post in my drafts while buying, packing and moving.  Yes.  I have a house!  And pretty soon, this blog will be replete with fix-its and design finishes…once I have a computer set up at home.

Anyway, back to the food.  My husband and I love the taste of this meal, but I hate to cook it since simmering tomato sauce is so messy.  If you are game, I suggest you try it:  poached eggs in tomato sauce on toast.  Here, with a side of steamed and buttered mustard greens.

I don’t really have a recipe for this.  Just fill a pot with enough tomato sauce to poach the eggs.  Add whatever seasoning you want.  Drop eggs in simmering sauce and keep simmering until they are as hard as you like them.  Ladle them on to toast and voila, you have a decadent tasting dinner.

All Known Health Frauds are, in Fact, Valid | But Seriously

All Known Health Frauds are, in Fact, Valid | But Seriously published on No Comments on All Known Health Frauds are, in Fact, Valid | But Seriously

seriously well written rant on something that needs to be ranted about:  All Known Health Frauds are, in Fact, Valid | But Seriously.

Your email privacy

Your email privacy published on No Comments on Your email privacy

I am the kind of person who organizes the emails they want to keep into folders and saves them indefinitely.  It’s nice to be able to search back through them when I’ve forgotten something.  Are you that kind of person too?

If you are, I bet you’ve been functioning, as I have, with the delusion that this was a safe place to put your emails.  That emails, like the post, are protected from data harvesting and warrantless snooping.  The reality is that there are a lot of holes to email privacy.  EFF explains:   Deep Dive: Updating the Electronic Communications Privacy Act | Electronic Frontier Foundation.

dream library

dream library published on No Comments on dream library

library2aI probably wouldn’t paint it muted shades of neon green and pink (I’m sure it didn’t look like that in Corel), but here is an idea I had for drawing up a dream library.

I’m a leader

I’m a leader published on No Comments on I’m a leader


The Secret is Murder – posting on Tumblr

The Secret is Murder – posting on Tumblr published on No Comments on The Secret is Murder – posting on Tumblr

Yup, Levi Levi is on hiatus, but the Levi Levi mini comic ‘The Secret is Murder’ is posting on Tumblr RIGHT NOW.  What?  You say you’ve never heard/red/seen it before?  That’s ’cause it’s never been on the internets.  Only a few very special people with paper in their hands know The Secret is Murder!

Check out the first posting:  The first of my bonus Levi Levi story from… | ALL ABOUT LEVI LEVI.

Dinner time

Dinner time published on No Comments on Dinner time

rarebitI recently came across the blog Table Matters and it got me thinking about old timey meals like those in my copy of Fanny Farmer’s cookbook, and meals that may be common place elsewhere but not where I live.

Then we got this bread that was REALLY awesome and decided that we would have to have some meals on toast.  This is the first:  my take on Welsh Rarebit, beef and goat cheese gravy sauce with some cheddar sprinkles and a side of cabbage slaw.  It looks kind of blah, but it was awesome!

Ingredients:  beef stock from stewing beef earlier in the week, goat cheese, a little flour (for thickening) and parsley all in the pot for the gravy, and toasted bread to put it on.  Ingredients for the slaw:  chopped cabbage, mayonnaise, lemon juice, salt, pepper, mustard.

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