Its about darn time I do a draw challenge again. I found this one a while ago and saved it for myself. I may not be on Tumblr any more, but I’ll tag as instructed so y’all can find them easily.
Did you know that dust can explode, and the dust can be made of anything: wood pulp, cotton, flour, cornstarch, or sugar. Yes, sugar can explode. In 2008 a sugar refinery explosion in Georgia killed 14 and injured 40.
BBC News reports in 2013 27 tonnes of caramelized goat cheese caught fire as it was being driven through a tunnel in northern Norway. The fire remained blazing for five days and released toxic gas that slowed down the recovery operation.
Nathanson describes how on the evening of 1878 the Washburn A Mill exploded in a series of thunderous explosions. All fourteen workers on duty for the night shift were killed by rapidly burning flour dust.
In 1972 a the upper holds of a Swiss Freighter carrying tapioca mix caught fire. The crew tried to keep the fire under control until they could dock by wetting down the wood for 25 days. The combination of heat and water swelled and cooked the tapioca until it weighed down the ship.
Ruxton, on the Irish Times, recounts the story where a fire spreading through the city of Dublin burst the wooden casks holding whiskey until they burst open and sent the burning liquid down the streets.
Gowans, on the Gazette, recounts how more than 100 years ago an explosion at the a cornstarch factory blew out windows throughout town, killed 43 workers, and collapsed the factory.
We haven’t been completely lucky finding acceptable movies that took place on Mother’s Day, so this is another holiday where a thematic selection of movies will come to the rescue. There is a glut of mother themed movies to choose from, and so this year we might: