I was at a comic shop for Valentines day because that is what nerds do, and I found The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl. The cover was fun, so I picked it up. The back promised cameos from the Marvel Universe of characters that I was familiar with. I was in a buying mood. I bought. And. I. Was. Not. Disappointed.
First, sometimes I have a love hate with comics because so many of them require you to have and have read the 89 to 500 issues that come before. The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl didn’t require such fore-study from me. It launched into a world where everyone was making up their own stories and so it didn’t matter that, as I found while reading, I was not actually starting at the beginning of the squirrel girl story.

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl is smart, and in a world of superheroes, Squirrel Girl seems like a super girl who became super on her own. You know, like us regular Joes and Joanns dream of. Sure Squirrel Girl can talk to squirrel’s, but all her super rocking fighting comes from practice (again, just read volume 2, so if I am totally incorrect here I apologize). To top it all off, she has a friend and supporter who says totally librarian friendly stuff about the internet. And she says it with a ginormous monster in the background. Any comic who calls out the internet for being 85% misinformation and a bunch of mom tricks that don’t work is a forever favorite of mine.