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The Paramount Vault – YouTube

The Paramount Vault – YouTube published on No Comments on The Paramount Vault – YouTube

Are you hankering to watch some movies, but haven’t yet decided whether you’re going to sign up for Netflix, Hulu, YouStream, Moogoo, Mojo? Well then, head on over to the Paramount Vault on YouTube and watch some of the full length movies that Paramount has shared from their history of making film.

paramountSource: The Paramount Vault – YouTube

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol. 2: Squirrel You Know It’s True

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol. 2: Squirrel You Know It’s True published on No Comments on The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol. 2: Squirrel You Know It’s True

I was at a comic shop for Valentines day because that is what nerds do, and I found The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl.  The cover was fun, so I picked it up.  The back promised cameos from the Marvel Universe of characters that I was familiar with.  I was in a buying mood.  I bought.  And. I. Was. Not. Disappointed.

First, sometimes I have a love hate with comics because so many of them require you to have and have read the 89 to 500 issues that come before.  The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl didn’t require such fore-study from me.  It launched into a world where everyone was making up their own stories and so it didn’t matter that, as I found while reading, I was not actually starting at the beginning of the squirrel girl story.

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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl is smart, and in a world of superheroes, Squirrel Girl seems like a super girl who became super on her own. You know, like us regular Joes and Joanns dream of.  Sure Squirrel Girl can talk to squirrel’s, but all her super rocking fighting comes from practice (again, just read volume 2, so if I am totally incorrect here I apologize).   To top it all off, she has a friend and supporter who says totally librarian friendly stuff about the internet.  And she says it with a ginormous monster in the background.  Any comic who calls out the internet for being 85% misinformation and a bunch of mom tricks that don’t work is a forever favorite of mine.

Rock and Rule glam Levi

Rock and Rule glam Levi published on No Comments on Rock and Rule glam Levi



rock and rule wikipedia:

Smells Like Library by Tommy Kovac

Smells Like Library by Tommy Kovac published on No Comments on Smells Like Library by Tommy Kovac

smells like library

On my last indie comics mining trip in Etsy I bought:  Smells Like Library v. 2 Funny Library Comics from the tommykovac Etsy store.   Afterwards, I carried around the awesome bookmark it came with to remind me to talk about this a little more.

If you didn’t know, librarians are a diverse and often creative group who love creative stuff about libraries (and cats, but besides the point).  Tommy Kovac makes and writes wonderful creative stuff about libraries.

Besides comics you can buy through his Etsy store and comics you can read on his site, he also has a blog that Smells Like Library.  Go and breathe in.

“The Old New World” (Photo-based animation project) on Vimeo

“The Old New World” (Photo-based animation project) on Vimeo published on No Comments on “The Old New World” (Photo-based animation project) on Vimeo

This is too amazing: animation created from old photos.

Little red riding hood

Little red riding hood published on No Comments on Little red riding hood


Campaign for Safe Cosmetics-working for safer cosmetics

Campaign for Safe Cosmetics-working for safer cosmetics published on No Comments on Campaign for Safe Cosmetics-working for safer cosmetics

I’ve been slowly replacing my soaps, lotions and cleaning supplies with more simply concocted and natural versions of the same.  If you are doing the same and want to get more information (and/or freak yourself out), check this out:

The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics works to eliminate dangerous chemicals linked to adverse health impacts from cosmetics and personal care products.

Source: Campaign for Safe Cosmetics-working for safer cosmetics

#GialloMeltdown | Iconosquare

#GialloMeltdown | Iconosquare published on No Comments on #GialloMeltdown | Iconosquare

New old phone at the home. Richard of Doomed Moviethon captured its amazingness.


Source: #GialloMeltdown | Iconosquare

April Fools tradition popularized – Apr 01, 1700 –

April Fools tradition popularized – Apr 01, 1700 – published on No Comments on April Fools tradition popularized – Apr 01, 1700 –

On this day in History, April Fools tradition popularized on Apr 01, 1700. ….Some historians speculate that April Fools’ Day dates back to 1582, when France switched from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar, as called for by the Council of Trent in 1563. People who were slow to get the news or failed to recognize that the start of the new year had moved to January 1 and continued to celebrate it during the last week of March through April 1.

Learn more about what happened today on History.

Source: April Fools tradition popularized – Apr 01, 1700 –

Keep Calm

Keep Calm published on No Comments on Keep Calm

Keep Calm and Carry On was printed on a motivational poster, one of three, designed by the British government’s Ministry of Information for the second world war (Wikipedia).  The original keep calm poster wasn’t actually widely circulated, yet after it’s rediscovery it became a hot new design trend.  I got myself a Keep Calm poster and happily posted it in my kitchen. I was dealing with a crisis, and it was an oddly comforting cheer to keep going every day. Then it birthed a never ending flow of imitations:


And then my crisis ended. By the time I saw ‘Keep Calm and Chive On’ I was done with it. I wanted people to stop. I joked that I wanted to replace my poster with a ‘Panic and Run Around Screaming’Panic even though it would only add to the flood.  Then there were even more.  There are even multiple poster generators where you can create your own Keep Calm posters.  There is a Keep Calm poster for every fandom, every foody, every crafter and every holiday.  We are reaching critical mass.

There are plenty of other WWII motivational type posters to choose from should you need a little revving up. And, then there is always the possibility of making something completely new. What a concept!

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Gigi extras

Gigi extras published on No Comments on Gigi extras


music from Miss Fisher’s

music from Miss Fisher’s published on 2 Comments on music from Miss Fisher’s

Before my blueray player decided it didn’t like Netflix any longer I was enjoying Miss Fisher’s Mysteries.  More than once, the credits started to roll and the accompanying song was delightful and fresh in a way that 1920s radio mixes are new and fresh.  Being a popular show, of course the soundtrack is available commercially, however, I suspected that a lot of the songs would be freely available courtesy of the Internet Archive.  I was right, and I made you a little mix of all the songs I could find for Season One with a script I have been dying to try.

Continue reading music from Miss Fisher’s

unusual suspects

unusual suspects published on No Comments on unusual suspects


Glow Little Glow Worm

Glow Little Glow Worm published on No Comments on Glow Little Glow Worm

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