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Happy Blogiversary to Bean!

Happy Blogiversary to Bean! published on No Comments on Happy Blogiversary to Bean!

Way back in August of 2010, I used WordPress for the first time.  I had migrated my website to a WordPress installation.  Up until 2010 I had been blogging on an Angelfire account.  For the most part, migrating to WordPress also changed how I blog.  My early years of blogging were similar to some of the blogs I follow- combing the internet for cool things and then putting all those things into one place for my imaginary readers.  For me, really. Purely consumptive. And lost to y’all, I’m afraid. I backed as much of them up as I could, but I never migrated any pre-2010 content.

Since that 2010 post I have written over 1,200 posts on the Bean. Now I tend towards more ‘original’ content, when I manage a post at all.  I’ve combined my blog with art and comic posts, and then separated my comics from the blog once again. There are still some consumption based posts, but nothing like the stream of links to other people and places that I began with. 

Well that post back in August 2010 was about I Write Like.  I fed it a blog entry from the old site and was told that I wrote like Ursula K. Le Guin. I had not read Le Quin’s work at that time and I am sorry to say, I have not read it still. Obviously this is a missed opportunity that I will have to address. Guess what! I Write Like is still around! And now it includes a full markdown editor and AI manuscript editing assistant.

I fed it some more of my writing to see how I may have changed. I haven’t been doing much fiction or blogging recently, but I write all the time for work: proposals, guidelines, articles, etc. According to I Write Like, a book chapter draft that I wrote within my research assignment at work is written like Isaac Asimov. A blog post from my Every Month Is History Month series is like Kurt Vonnegut, and my kid’s story, Penelope Sea is like J.K. Rowling. I think I Write Like is just trying to butter me up.

10 Movies/Books to Know Me

10 Movies/Books to Know Me published on No Comments on 10 Movies/Books to Know Me

I heard from my informants that social media has thing thing: 10 movies to know you, and I was inspired. These are the 10 movies, and then 10 books that have shaped me (in no significant order).


  1. Alice in Wonderland (multiple versions, but mostly the one with Carol Channing)
  2. The Witches (1990)
  3. The Ruling Class (1972)
  4. Real Genius (1985)
  5. Zorro the Gay Blade (1981)
  6. Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)
  7. Rock ‘n Rule (1983)
  8. Streets of Fire (1984)
  9. White Christmas (1954)
  10. Earth Girls are Easy (1988)


  1. Dynamic Anatomy by Burne Hogarth
  2. Art of War by Sun Tzu
  3. Dancing Cats of Applesap by Janet Taylor Lisle
  4. ABCs of Human Mind a Reader’s Digest Family Answer Book
  5. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
  6. Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
  7. The Guilty Head by Romain Gary
  8. Doc Holiday by John Myers Myers
  9. Russian Fairy Tales translated by Norbert Guterman from the collections of Aleksandr Afanas’ev
  10. Hocus Pocus by Kurt Vonnegut

Site updates

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I may not have had enough completed artwork to do an end of year roundup at the New Year, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t have enough to update the website in May.

web site updates

web site updates published on No Comments on web site updates


I’ve been letting some of my more labor intensive artworks get lost in Bean history.  I’ve pulled out a selection of art that I want to make sure has a permanent home and I gave them it.  A permanent home that is, on  And I did a fancy uniform crop thumbnail arrangement.  Not ground breaking…but a first for me.  🙂

printing addiction

printing addiction published on 3 Comments on printing addiction

I never knew how much I needed to have physical volumes of my comics until I made a print order.  They are so much more real now…I can put them on my shelves and begin filling a library full of me!  I realized after Levi Levi Chapter One and the Monster Girl’s School Zine came in the mail that I have many more finished chapters and comics living ethereal lives in digital form.


I printed up the short comics of the lot myself:  Lighthousemen of Eilean Mor, Death Goes to Octoberfest, Grimm’s The Wolf and 7 Kids, and Flip Side.  These are really just mock ups, but don’t they look pretty with Levi Levi and the Monster Girls?  Ooh, and my Levi Levi stickers came yesterday.

Tattoo is my choose your own adventure story, also a mock up.  I sew bound it with some glue support but then cheated and used duct tape to cover the spine.

Perhaps I will take my short comic mock ups to the copy store.  I am starting work on making the first chapters of No Evil and Unlikely Bedfellows print ready as well.  Soon I will have an entire table’s worth of comics for sale.

Marketing me

Marketing me published on No Comments on Marketing me

I was talking with a wonderful and wise friend who’s first thought on seeing my newly printed stack of Levi Levi and the Monster Girls’ School zine was that I should have a table at a comic-con or some such.  And I thought, ‘if I were to have a table I would probably need to print up the first chapters of No Evil and Unlikely Bedfellows as well as have some flyers and whatnots so people could remember who I was.’

Well, I haven’t booked a table and I haven’t made any more printing orders, but I have ordered Levi Levi stickers, LeEMS business cards, and made some mini-flyers:

flyer2 flyer1
I’m getting those fabulous double sided business cards. Upper left of the below is the front with three different back designs.  They are fabulous!

business cards


Portraiture published on No Comments on Portraiture


Long ago and far away when I used MySpace and not Facebook, I only ever had cartoon portraits of myself in my photo albums.  I was recently told that these were missed, so I pulled them out of obscurity (they are up on the Art page too).

inhale, count to ten

inhale, count to ten published on No Comments on inhale, count to ten

Ok, my website (except for the Bean) is currently completely messed up.  No images are displaying and I can trace no reason.  Gonna take a chance and ignore it until tomorrow in the hopes that it is something weird with my host.

fingers crossed

No problem, dumb head, sort of.  So, I started brainstorming all the things that could be happening and realized that I should probably double check the site via a different browser before freaking out too much.  And then I thought about anything that is different with my browser and I remembered that I had outfitted it to avoid online tracking.  Problem solved.  Don’t know how to two are connected, though I know it is corrected ’cause the only problem was in my browser till I reverted my online tracking changes.  Not all of them but still.  Never mind my freaking out, or trying not to freak out.  Even though I’m rambling nonsensically, never mind.

i don’t care

i don’t care published on No Comments on i don’t care

if wordpress is urging me to update. I have learned my lesson not to do such things until my plugins say I can.


Fixed published on No Comments on Fixed

Ok, the comics are back – sans any comments or explanations I may have posted with them originally.  I had to publish them in the past so their dates are all wonky, but doing it this way did give me a chance to re-organize a little.  All short comics are located in The Drawing Board now, and navigable via their story line (which will show up as a drop box in the left hand menu).  This is where The Lighthousemen of Eileen Mor is posting as well (it’s doing it right now!).


Sigh published on No Comments on Sigh

I upgraded my webcomic installation and it stalled (perhaps because of the network I’m on or what else I was doing at the time).  So now, all the links to my comics are 404s.  All the pages are still there in my site, so I’ll get this settled sometime soon.

Guess it’s good that I was ending stuff up.  All the new comics will be fresh starts….and thinking of that.  I created a networked wordpress to test some work stuff.  Now that I have it, I could give some of my comics their own blogs – you know, instead of having them running in the back of my blog and showing up mixed in the rss feed.  I dunno.  Is this a good idea?  I have a couple of stories that I know are going to continue and grow…

Stuff to think on.

Broken pages.


Coming soon

Coming soon published on No Comments on Coming soon

Inktober is coming.

Flip Side is ending.

Levi Levi chapter one is ending.

Levi Levi and the Time Machine is coming.

24 hour comics day is coming.


What do you think?

What do you think? published on No Comments on What do you think?

You see, I was thinking of ways to make all my running comics more visible.  I know the RSS feeds of blog and webcomics are combined, but site visitors are not seeing recent comic postings unless they visit the individual comics.  So what about doing short linking posts like what I just did with the song comic.  RSS feeders are gonna get double notification, but hopefully it won’t be too annoying.

Or maybe I’m gonna play around with having the most recent comic page of whatever comic post at the top and keep all the blog posts below.  What d’ya think of that?

flopped it

flopped it published on No Comments on flopped it

dunno if I like it better, but I was starting to not really like the other way at all.

Planning web page edits

Planning web page edits published on No Comments on Planning web page edits

Ok, I am planning more improvements to the site again.  It happens the more time I spend in waiting rooms.  I flip through this notebook I carry around in my purse and see some message to myself about something I should change or update and then I’m drawing pictures of major page make-overs.  Eventually I will be completely satisfied with all my existing pages and will only be able to add more.  That’s what I imagine anyway.

But then I’ll learn something new.

Primary Sidebar