You may recognize this idea from my Cryptids and friends zine…this was the original concept, proposed by Richard when I was sitting on the couch in need of something to draw. Though, I didn’t refer to it at all, my followup drawing has the poor creature in exactly the same pose…
You may be noticing a recurring element on the Bean…Wolpertingers. I am simply fascinated. I was first aware of wolpertingers when I came across the idea of a Jackalope with wings. Technically the addition of another species’ characteristics to the elusive jackalope, transformed it into something different, something more: a wolpertinger. Wolpertingers are legendary creatures that show up in German folklore (wikipedia). They are typically the combination of characteristics from three or more unique animals. They are great doodling inspiration (as seen on the Bean):
Over the last couple years I have been conscripted to imagine and make visible the essence of Gyrojets and their realistic music. Here is a roundup of my favorites:
If you haven’t heard of realistic music, or worse, haven’t heard of Gyrojets, give a listen:
I worked up a zine for gift giving over the holidays and have just reprinted a few copies of it. I am thinking of offering them in my store, but I am also thinking I want to bundle it with a companion zine I am working on. For now, I give you it electronically!