Every now and again a normal human being, like yourself, can end up with a frighteningly abnormal problem. If you are lucky, you might get hooked up with the name or pointed in the direction of someone who can help you. Sometimes the person who can help will be Olivia.
Olivia doesn’t want to help you. She doesn’t have a soft heart or work in a service industry, so you better make it worth her while to even lift a finger. Alternately, you could prove that your problem is more interesting than her day job, or, more accurately, night job. You may have to pay her; she’s not always clear on that.
Olivia carries a curse and a thirst for revenge. She also possesses the unique ability to move through worlds otherwise hidden to most people, which may or may not be due to a contract with Mr. Imp.

Mr. Imp is alarming in the way that a large, still, spider across the room is alarming. It’s difficult to put a finger on what exactly is so unsettling about him, and, though he is terribly polite, most people avoid him. This makes it extremely hard to learn anything about him.