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The Electrical Experimenter on the Internet Archive

The Electrical Experimenter on the Internet Archive published on No Comments on The Electrical Experimenter on the Internet Archive

electricalexperimenterv7Are you hankering for some easily digestible, perhaps incorrect and outdated, home science and hopelessly optimistic paleo futurism?  Then the Internet Archive’s collection of the Electrical Experimenter is for you.  Read articles from the likes of Nikola Tesla, Hugo Gernsback, and Frederick Finch Strong.

What, you say you’ve never heard of paleo futurism before?  You’ve never toured through the worlds we were supposed to have if the idealistic scientists of yesterday had their way?  Then I also recommend Paleo Future, where you will find countless examples of how clean, peaceful and advanced we should be living today if all predictions had come true.

Saint Saens: Carnival of the Animals

Saint Saens: Carnival of the Animals published on No Comments on Saint Saens: Carnival of the Animals

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The Console Living Room at the Internet Archive

The Console Living Room at the Internet Archive published on No Comments on The Console Living Room at the Internet Archive

The Console Living Room : Free Software : Download & Streaming : Internet ArchiveI have the Atari system I fondly remember set up in the kitchen of my Dad’s house.  It is all packed up in a box in my closet.  I have not yet found the adapter that will make it work with my new flat-screen TV.

Why was it in the kitchen that seemed barley 8′ by 8′ from wall to wall?  Why was the TV it was connected to on top of the fridge? Us kids would stand in the middle of the room with the controllers (the few moments a day when it wasn’t being used for food preparation) looking up at the screen.  The ridiculousness of this set up makes me question my memory, but there you have it.

I do remember that I, being very young and destined to take very little interest in video games at all, had games that were mine and mine alone.  My favorite was Strawberry Shortcake.  It was reminiscent of those fashion plates where you changed the head, torso, and legs of a character to make something new.  I don’t think there was much else to the game.  Should I figure out how to play it again, I don’t have to wait to get my Atari hooked up again.  I can play on any computer nearby, because the The Console Living Room at the Internet Archive has made streaming versions of all those old Atari games (and more).

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