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The Family Album project

The Family Album project published on No Comments on The Family Album project

If you went to check out the projects page after I mentioned it last you may have seen the Family Album.  This was an insanely large and involved project that I am still extremely proud of, even though when I look back at projects I see all the room for improvement.


The Family Album comprised six generations of two main families and their relations in the small town they occupied.  They are all pencil sketches, laminated and then mounted like photographs.  I even included a family tree in the back.  All the characters are named from people I found in my own family tree–yes, I’ve done the genealogy project too.  I have to admit, the album project isn’t completely  complete.  I intended to write letters to and from at least a couple of the people included therein, but I have not done this yet.  Maybe next NaNoWriMo. « Drawn! The Illustration and Cartooning Blog « Drawn! The Illustration and Cartooning Blog published on No Comments on « Drawn! The Illustration and Cartooning Blog


Very apropos comic for this month.  I have a poltergeist–what’s keeping you from writing?  Drawn!, by the by, is a fantastic blog.  And Tom Gauld is awesome.  I have to talk about the blogs I like on my blog now that Google reader doesn’t offer a shared posts thingy anymore.  Oh, Google plus will replace it or something but I’m not ready to go that social yet. « Drawn! The Illustration and Cartooning Blog.

NaNoWriMo update

NaNoWriMo update published on No Comments on NaNoWriMo update

You know, it’s not too late to sign up and start your novel this month.  I mean, don’t let it get you down that 5 days have already passed.  I’ve only written a measly amount on just one of those five days, so you could totally start now.

I really hate to say this, but I am a little disappointed in NaNoWriMo’s new site if only because it no longer has a place to put a book cover.  I’ve never been successful in thinking up or creating a book cover within the same month I am desperately trying to write a book, so I have never been able to take advantage.  This year was going to be different, and maybe the reason why I’ve only written a paltry amount so far, but I had a book cover in mind–and here it is.  I’ll show it to you instead of the NaNoWriMo site.  You will be the select few who will ever know about my great cover idea.  Take that NaNoWriMo!  I love you!

The Witches project

The Witches project published on No Comments on The Witches project

After my new website redesign I realized that I’ve never really talked about some of the projects I show-cased, and, it being October and Halloweeny and all, I thought this was a perfect time to talk about my witches project.

Now bear with me ’cause I’m not going to check my sources here when I tell you what I know of these women.

First and foremost is Lilith.  Ya’ll know the story.  She was Adam’s first wife, made out of earth just like him and because of this, completely equal.  Well, not being beholden meant she had no reason to stick around when he pissed her off.  She left the garden and went out into the surrounding darkness to give birth to all the monsters in the world.  She is associated with many things:  owls, roses, lions.  She is said to have bird feet.

She is also the first child-stealer.  You see, when infant mortality was high and unexplained, sudden baby death was blamed on evil witches.  I always found it funny that these same witches were often called on to inspire fertility as well.

Anyway, there’s an old saying to ward her off:  “she that flies in rooms of darkness, pass quickly quickly Lilith.”

Another powerful child-stealer is Lamashtu with the head of a lion and the feet of a bird of prey.  She especially is known for fertility even though she is also blamed for infant mortality.  She is thought to be filthy, and as an illustration of both this filth and her fertility, she is sometimes shown nursing both a dog and a pig.

Another powerful and well known witch is Baba Yaga.  Her house stands on chicken legs in the middle of a Russian forest.  It is surrounded by a fence of skulls and bones.  Because of it’s high and mobile position, her house is nearly impossible to get into–not that you’d want to–and whenever Baba Yaga herself wants to enter she must say:  “Izbushka, Izbushka, stand with your back to the forest and your front to me.”  Izbushka is the house’s name; yup, house has a name.

Her house isn’t the only thing that extraordinary about Baba Yaga.  She has nails and tusks of steel and flies about the sky in a mortar and pestle instead of a broom.

More witches can be found on the Projects page.  Happy October time.


Idge published on 1 Comment on Idge

Allow me to introduce you to Idge, he’s a mascot–has been since I first starting paying money for my domain and opened an Etsy store.  Though, he’s never looked quite like this before.

I’ve been playing around with making him a little more mobile and I’m pretty darn happy with the results.  This is one.  Another is now supervising from the menu column to the right.  Little comic strips of his exploits will begin to show up on The Drawing Board.

In the spirit of NaNoWriMo

In the spirit of NaNoWriMo published on No Comments on In the spirit of NaNoWriMo


So, in the spirit of National Novel Writing Month, I have made mock-up covers to replace two of the ‘image coming soon’ notices on my stories page.  They just happen to be for the stories that have a finished draft–that was totally accidental.  I still have no idea what I’m writing for National Novel Writing Month, and I am still trying to finish another in progress before November 1st rolls around.  It’d be nice if this year were the first I could come up with a cover idea for November’s novel before November is over.  I’ll keep dreaming.

Echoes of 24 hour comic day

Echoes of 24 hour comic day published on No Comments on Echoes of 24 hour comic day

I didn’t really leave this desk all day.  This was taken early when I could still focus my eyes.  Anyway, I’m really glad to have done 24 hour comics day.  I love this dis-connected connection with the rest of the world through online challenges.

Apparently there is this thing called inktober ( that I totally missed the boat on.  You’d think that after 24 hour comics day people would stop drawing for a few days, but I’m proof that they don’t.  I just haven’t been sharing it.  I need to get it together!

I did some combing through of the 24 hour comics day participants (that named themselves anyway) and found some treasures.  I share.

Rion Sabean Photography

Rion Sabean Photography published on No Comments on Rion Sabean Photography

Do you ever find yourself feeling like a complete dweeb because you didn’t know how awesome someone was until someone else told you?  Yeah, well, I don’t feel that way ’cause I’d seen Rion Sabean’s photography long before the article on jezebel.  But, I have to admit, the success and renown that Rion’s work is already receiving is really really impressive.

I wanted to do my part to talk him up as one of the coolest people I know.  You can see more of his work, and order the Men-Up! calendar on his site:

sis boom bah

sis boom bah published on No Comments on sis boom bah

OOOOOOOooooooooOOOOH YEAH!  I finally got everything working the way I wanted everything to work; yes I did.  The navigation should carry through from site (machine) to blog (bean) and back again.  Comics have a new launch page on the Bean and they post separate in that fancy way I wanted the comic pages to post.  They also update the Bean’s overall RSS feed, so if you get this, you will see all 24 of the 24 hour comic day comic I did (which you can now read in it’s handy new layout).

I will be moving over No Evil and Flip Side to this type of comic posting very soon, but Levi Levi and the other static ones will stay where they are.

Oh, and by the by, if you want only a certain permutation of RSS feed, check the right hand menu to see if it’s already available.

Cheers,  –LeE

Yes, I was waiting for this.

Yes, I was waiting for this. published on No Comments on Yes, I was waiting for this.

All right kittens.  The new NaNoWriMo site is finally up!  Is it sad that I was waiting for this?  I mean, it’s still mid October and I have a couple of stories that I really really really want to finish up before starting something shiny and new on November first, but I’m really excited about National Novel Writing Month this year.  The past two years I’ve tried, but because of moving and unforeseen circumstances I was not able to make much of a go of it or a show of it.  And then there was the 23,000 word thumbdrive corruption…..

Why is my lease set in November?

Anyway!  In an effort to distract myself from writing, I will still be drawing and trying to figure out how to integrate a web-comic posting function into this here blog, or website.

Once the buddy function is up and running make me a friend and we’ll write together come November.

Testing testing

Testing testing published on 2 Comments on Testing testing

If you are subscribed to the Bean feed then you may have been noticing some weird stuff going on with comic pages showing up, disappearing, repeating.  That’s me.  I’m trying to figure out how to make the Bean host comics like those cool comic hosting sites while still remaining my blog.

I think I have an idea of how to do it now, and it may mean some more comic reposting in your feeds, so please bear with me.

Also–my idea of how to do it now will change the site a little too, so if you are visiting the web pages you will see some tweaks here and there.

24 hour comic day SUCCESS!!!!

24 hour comic day SUCCESS!!!! published on No Comments on 24 hour comic day SUCCESS!!!!

And early too, I might add.  Which is good, ’cause I don’t think I can do any more.

24 hr comics day home stretch pgs 17 &18

24 hr comics day home stretch pgs 17 &18 published on No Comments on 24 hr comics day home stretch pgs 17 &18


’cause remember I have those four pages at the end that I did in the beginning.  Two more pages to go folks.  Next post will be the final six.

pgs 15 and 16

pgs 15 and 16 published on No Comments on pgs 15 and 16

pgs 13 and 14 for 24 hour comic day

pgs 13 and 14 for 24 hour comic day published on No Comments on pgs 13 and 14 for 24 hour comic day


ok so, my eyes are starting to cross.  I think this is the point past which I can no longer go break-less.  I mean, like a bigger break than going to the rest-room or getting up to stretch.

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