I wanted to try a little ranch. Ranch is hard to draw in an architecturally sound manner with no erases.
…at least for me…
Ramblings and webcomics from LeEMS
There was some combination of me browsing tumblr and watching a lot of Nightmare on Elm Street when I started wondering what Sleeping Beauty did all that time she was sleeping. And this is what happened, Princess Aurora, dream warrior.
Also posting on The Drawing Board are a couple of Freddy comics inspired by the same moviethon.
I did it! I did 24 comic pages in 24 hours (less – I’m too old to stay up that late anymore). My comic, Nightmare, is done! Read from the beginning!
My first page for 24 hour comics day is done and my comic, Nightmare, is posting in the Drawing Board.
Check back during the day for the rest of the comic as it comes out of my head.
I just figured out what I’m going to draw! I am so relieved.
24 hour comics day is coming! I need to come up with an idea – though, of course, nothing more than an idea. The challenge is to plan, draw, and finish a 24 page comic in 24 hours. There can be no story written, no layouts sketched, nothing until the big day. How it’s finished is up to the artist. I did my usual last year (pencil sketches inked with a grey pallet). I’m trying to decide if I’m up for that this year. I can still remember how my shoulder felt afterwards. Why must I mouse and draw with the same hand?
Since I’m doing the challenge from home I will be posting updates and comic pages as I go this Saturday. Thank goodness I finally have a correct installation of webcomic (is, by the by, a fabulous comic displaying wordpress plugin, with which my recent trials were probably all my fault).