I wore myself out this weekend juggling a few fixes and projects all revolving around keeping the household running smoothly. One of those projects, long on my list, was to redye my black clothes. I am so pleased with the results that I had to think this over with y’all.
I haven’t bought new clothes in years. Oh, I’ve bought new-to-me clothes, but no newly manufactured clothes. Picking up used clothes at a thrift store or wearing a simple knit long sleeve top from a discount department store for ten or twenty years will inevitably require some mending and upkeep. There is nothing that shows its age more than black. Nobody really knows what other colors were supposed to be when new, right? But everyone knows when black is faded.
So, in addition to darning little cat claw holes and repairing popped stitches, I did a black load. Now my cotton blend knit tops are as dark as my synthetic skirts. I feel like a fancy lady.
I’ve seen a lot of challenges online where people try to not buy any clothes for a month, a year, or what not. Well why not a challenge to find that thing in your wardrobe that you loved so much so long ago but never wear any more. Find it, and then figure out what you can do to make it wearable again. Its a good feeling. I promise.