Alright, so, in light of Google Reader taking a big dive soon, I have shopped around alternative RSS feed aggregators. I have downloaded my OPML file. And now, I am going through my starred items. I don’t know about you but I’ve used Google Reader’s star function as a kind of memory box. I don’t want all those goodies to just disappear, so some of them are going to end up right here. For example: Morse Code: How to Translate and Use it | The Art of Manliness. I’ve always wanted to learn Morse code as much as I mourn how I’ve forgotten the sign language alphabet my friends and I used to message each other with during junior high science class. I may learn it one day and when that day comes, the Morse code article on The Art of Manliness will be invaluable.
More content from the GReader starred list will be coming your way. Are you ready?