OOOOOOOooooooooOOOOH YEAH! I finally got everything working the way I wanted everything to work; yes I did. The navigation should carry through from site (machine) to blog (bean) and back again. Comics have a new launch page on the Bean and they post separate in that fancy way I wanted the comic pages to post. They also update the Bean’s overall RSS feed, so if you get this, you will see all 24 of the 24 hour comic day comic I did (which you can now read in it’s handy new layout).
I will be moving over No Evil and Flip Side to this type of comic posting very soon, but Levi Levi and the other static ones will stay where they are.
Oh, and by the by, if you want only a certain permutation of RSS feed, check the right hand menu to see if it’s already available.
Cheers, –LeE