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Analyze your writing style: I Write Like

Analyze your writing style: I Write Like published on No Comments on Analyze your writing style: I Write Like

Ok people.  Here I am checking in just often enough that they don't delete my account…Oh wait, my steady payments probably do that.  Well, I finally got to looking at things besides work and my own projects and I saw this handy/funny/interesting/whatever little analysis tool for telling you which writer you write like.  Since we all love it when other people, or logarithms, tell us about us, I decided it wouldn't be in the public's best interest not to share.

So go to I Write Like: and find out who you write like.  Judging from one of the blog entries on this here very blog.  I write like Ursula K. Le Guin.  I have to admit I have never read her work, but I like her name.  It's snazzy.

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