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Happy Blogiversary to Bean!

Happy Blogiversary to Bean! published on No Comments on Happy Blogiversary to Bean!

Way back in August of 2010, I used WordPress for the first time.  I had migrated my website to a WordPress installation.  Up until 2010 I had been blogging on an Angelfire account.  For the most part, migrating to WordPress also changed how I blog.  My early years of blogging were similar to some of the blogs I follow- combing the internet for cool things and then putting all those things into one place for my imaginary readers.  For me, really. Purely consumptive. And lost to y’all, I’m afraid. I backed as much of them up as I could, but I never migrated any pre-2010 content.

Since that 2010 post I have written over 1,200 posts on the Bean. Now I tend towards more ‘original’ content, when I manage a post at all.  I’ve combined my blog with art and comic posts, and then separated my comics from the blog once again. There are still some consumption based posts, but nothing like the stream of links to other people and places that I began with. 

Well that post back in August 2010 was about I Write Like.  I fed it a blog entry from the old site and was told that I wrote like Ursula K. Le Guin. I had not read Le Quin’s work at that time and I am sorry to say, I have not read it still. Obviously this is a missed opportunity that I will have to address. Guess what! I Write Like is still around! And now it includes a full markdown editor and AI manuscript editing assistant.

I fed it some more of my writing to see how I may have changed. I haven’t been doing much fiction or blogging recently, but I write all the time for work: proposals, guidelines, articles, etc. According to I Write Like, a book chapter draft that I wrote within my research assignment at work is written like Isaac Asimov. A blog post from my Every Month Is History Month series is like Kurt Vonnegut, and my kid’s story, Penelope Sea is like J.K. Rowling. I think I Write Like is just trying to butter me up.

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